Final Stretch Progress: Electric Longboard

I am really excited for this project and have almost finished ordering parts (waiting to hear back from a couple of eBay vendors) and I have finished removing all the paint and graphics from the main deck of the longboard. I can’t wait to paint it! Here’s a picture of it before and after. I…

Construction Timeline: Electric Longboard

Hi all, This is my Gantt chart for the electric longboard build! I am really excited to move forward with the build! I have purchased most of the parts for it. I have decided to not paint the back till I complete the construction and assembly of the electronic part of the longboard since that…

Design Review: Electric Longboard

Hi all, For my final project, I am working on building an electric longboard. This idea came to my mind when I was thinking of a project that would incorporate both engineering design and aesthetics. I have always been fascinated by longboards and the way they work but I have always wanted to add a…

Top 5 Constraints: Electric Longboard

Hello All! Constraints help us define our problems and often times are the first step to brainstorming solutions. I wanted to explore my top constraints regarding the electric skateboard to get a good grasp of what I need to worry about. The first constraint is the aesthetic. What does it look like? What can I…

Main Project Inspiration: Get there faster

Hi all, Ever since I came to the United States as an undergraduate university student, I have been intrigued by longboards. The roads in India are not good enough for long-boarding and biking is not as popular either. So when I first saw a longboard about 4 years ago, I was mesmerized. I bought my…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Hi everyone, I am a strong believer in the notion that a successful team is one that has a multitude of skill sets within the team. Being an international student, I feel like I bring a different perspective to the table. Some of my academically trained skills include ideation, CAD drafting, computational fluid dynamics, basic…

Upcycle Final Report: Bottle it up!

Upcycle The first time I heard about the opportunity to upcycle something in class, I was ambivalent. Google defines upcycling as reusing something for an end product with a higher value. To my mind that is conditioned to think in terms of engineering, my mind starting think of machines and how small elements come together…

Design Loop: Upcycle Night Lamp

Hi all, This week, I want to share my design process for the upcycle project. It is pretty self explanatory so take a look! It shows how I went from identifying the stuff that would normally end up in my trash/recycle to something that I can actually use in my daily life. Feel free to…

Upcycling progress: Bottle it up

When we were first told to make something useful (or purely aesthetic) out of something that would be thrown away, my mind started thinking of all the different possibilities. I was really excited because I am a packrat – I try to save as many things as possible! I tried to brainstorm some ideas but…

Aesthetic Exploration: Holi

Holi: The Festival of Colors One of my favorite times of the year, Holi is an Indian festival that marks the beginning of Spring. You can probably tell why it’s called the festival of colors. On this day (usually in March, based on the Hindu calendar) the entire country of India is vibrant, energetic, and bathed…