Construction Timeline: Snowboard Cup Holder

With my idea finalized, I can begin the final construction. First, I will order the materials. Second, I will modify the cup holder to attach to my snowboard. Third, I will add features to the cup holder to enhance it’s functionality and aesthetic. Below is a construction timeline that I believe will help me towards…

Top 5 Constraints: Snowboard Cup Holder

For my final project, I will be making a cup holder that attaches to my snowboard. I have several ideas for what I want it to function and look like in the end, but that comes with some constraints. My first constraint is what materials to use for the cup holder. I would like the…

Main Project Inspirations

Although I have not yet picked an idea for the final project, I have several inspirations that will help me pick a final idea. I want to make something that I can actually use and have it function in a way that solves a problem I have. The inspirations I have are related to outdoor…

Skill Set and Personal Aspirations

The technical skills I’ve learned from engineering school as well as the personable skills acquired from past experiences make me a well-rounded individual. I am an effective communicator and an excellent listener. I think the key to a successful group comes from having the right attitudes and actions from each team member. I am also…

Design Loop: Paper Mache Stool

For my upcycle project, I will be making a paper mache stool. This stool will serve as footrest for me to use when I am relaxing while also providing a unique aesthetic. The actual structure will be made of remnant wood material found in my backyard or at a local wood cutting shop (Home Depot,…

Aesthetic Explorations: Lava Lamps

Lava lamps have been glowing in people’s homes ever since they were invented in 1960’s in the United Kingdom. The inventor, Edward Craven Walker, took particular interest in the way two contrasting liquids behaved together inside a container and strived to learn their properties. Several years later, he released the first lava lamp known as…