Main Project Final Report Part 2

What’s next: Add inlay design: I ran out of time to be able to add a nice inlay design. And I want to make sure that I wanted rushed during that process, so later on I would like to add one. Make compartment: I haven’t made the compartment to hold a picture in. I might…

Final Stretch

For the final stretch, I still have a fare amount of work left to do. I have all the CAD designs done and the wood picked out. Some of the pieces have been cut, but I still have more cutting that needs to be done. I also still have laser cutting that I would like…

Top 5 Constraints

My project is to make a pendant like the one in the movie The Illusionist. The top constraints that I will need to overcome to complete this project are as follows: Because this isn’t my only class and the project I’ve picked is a lot of work, one big constraint I will need to consider…

Skill Sets and Aspirations: Katie Yarnell

My skill set is similar to most pursuing an mechanical engineering degree. I’m proficient in SolidWorks. I have some experience in woodworking. I like being creative, usually regarding arts and crafts. I am happy to learn new things and I am a pretty quick learner. I have experience in material science from an internship last summer. My aspirations…

Design Process

My design process was loopy. As I started planning the design out and actually working on it, some things that I thought would look good didn’t, so I removed them. Other things just didn’t work, like the Litchenberg Figure on the wood. Things got rearranged and moved around, like the hooks and the placement of…

Upcycling Progress

I have a few ideas on what I plan to do for this project. The first being making a coke can lamp. To do this I would use coke cans and by using wires, a hinge on some sort and a light bulb make a fixture. Though this is the main idea I currently have, I’d…

Aesthetics Exploration: Greek Sculptures

The is an aesthetic that comes from ancient Greece, this being Greek sculptures. The sculptures were focused around proportion, poise, and the idealized perfection of the human body. And even today, one can identify them from these distinct characteristics. This is an aesthetic for a certain era as well as a culture. Greek sculptures escaped…