Top Five Constraints

For my project, I have a very clear picture of what I want it to look like and function like. I plan to pursue the vision I have and perfect it down to the inch. However, I know that will be difficult. My top five constraints are: Tool usage: I don’t know exactly how I…

Final Stretch Progress: Dummy Calf

The end of the semester is sneaking up on me faster than I am ready for. I still have some work I need to o on this project. The last of my parts are coming in on Friday, and then I will have this weekend to piece them all together. My to-do list looks like…

Construction Timeline

For my project, I am building a dummy roping calf out of PVC pipe. I haven’t constructed things out of PVC pipe before, but I think I will be able to get the hang of it pretty quick. However, I would say that working with it is a known unknown. I’m sure I will run…

Design Review: Dummy Roping Calf

A few weeks ago, I was at a bison auction and met some very interesting people. One of the people I met got me in to roping on a dummy calf with a Lariat. It was a fun leisure activity to pass some down-time, and I thought it was such an interesting skill to have.…

Skills and Aspirations

I think the greatest skill I bring to the table is my proficiency in software. I can write code in a lot of different languages, and I’m experienced with technical software like Excel, R Studio, Inventor, and SolidWorks. I also like working with more creative-based software, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Lightroom, Gimp, and Logic.…

Design Loop: Cardboard Clothing

I went through a frustrating design process creating my upcycle project. I knew what material I wanted to use, and I knew the general theme of what I wanted to make. However, I ended up throwing out a lot of ideas after I tested them for feasibility. I knew I wanted to make something I…

Upcycle Update: Cardboard Hat

Source:[1] A long time ago, I received a hat just like this one as a gift, and it quickly became one of my favorite hats. It’s simple, made out of just cardboard. I want to see if I can recreate it myself. Hopefully I will have enough cardboard in case I mess up. My…

Aesthetic Explorations: Baseball Gloves

The baseball glove is an item that has been around for hundreds of years. Gloves are a vital part of the game, and have been around almost as long as baseball itself. They have evolved, grown, and changed to fit different demands of the modern sport. The aesthetic of gloves has always been centered around…