Summing Up 2019

Looking back on the course, I successfully completed the upcycle project and the main final project, learned a lot about aesthetics and their importance in every project, and picked up a few new skills along the way. I learned how to recognize and discuss different project aesthetics, how to effectively critique other colleague’s work, how…

Final Project Part 1: iPad Smart Mirror

For my final project, I created a hand held smart mirror using an old iPad 2. My inspiration for this project came from seeing smart mirror type devices in science fiction movies and shows. I researched previously made smart mirrors online and found some good examples that helped me with my project. However, I was…

Main Project Final Stretch

So far, I have ordered and received all of the required materials I need to make my iPad smart mirror. I have the iPad, the two way mirror, the wood, and the wood glue that I will need. For the next week, I will be cutting and possibly engraving my wood frame for the smart…

Construction Timeline

For my final project, I am creating a smart mirror out of an old iPad 2. I have most of my materials already including the iPad, wood glue, and wood for the frame. I still need to get the two way mirror that will be in front of the iPad. This is something I think…

Current vs 20th Century Design Movements

My final project consists of turning an unused old iPad 2 into a portable hand held smart mirror. This smart mirror will present me with important information such as daily news, weather, sports scores, and personal notifications. The aesthetic I had in mind for this project was a sleek futuristic aesthetic that mimics ‘smart mirrors’…

Design Review: iPad Smart Mirror

For my final project this semester, I decided to make an iPad smart mirror. My inspiration for this project came from researching cool DIY projects on the internet and I stumbled across smart mirrors. I immediately thought that this would be a great idea for me because it is a project that has multiple functions…

Top 5 Constraints

For my final project, I am still planning on creating a smart mirror. My goal is to make a mirror that shows me the date, time, weather, sports scores, and any other useful information I might want to add. The top 5 constraints of this project are going to be: Aesthetic: I want this to…

Main Project Inspiration

For my main project in this course, I want to build something I will actually use after this class is over. I struggled over thinking of an idea, so I started looking at cool DIY projects online. I stumbled across a video of a person creating a smart mirror that let him know the weather,…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I am a mechanical engineering student currently in the BS/MS program. I have all the fundamental skills of a CU mechanical engineering student with high proficiencies in Matlab, SolidWorks, Excel, machining, system dynamics and integration. I also have experience using Photoshop, coding in C/C++, and building artistic projects. I really enjoy working with others to…

Upcycle Final Report

Inspiration: The inspiration for my upcycle project was born from necessity and the materials I had available to me. I originally knew that I wanted to turn this assignment into a project that I could use in my daily life. With this thought in mind, I decided I wanted to make a piece of furniture,…

Upcycle Inspiration

The inspiration for my upcycle project was born from necessity and the materials I had available to me. I originally knew that I wanted to turn this assignment into a project that I could use in my daily life. With this thought in mind, I decided I wanted to make a piece of furniture, either…

Aesthetic Exploration: Snowboarding

Snowboarding is a popular winter sport that was first introduced to the United States in the 1960s [1]. It was introduced to the first Winter Olympics in 1998 at Nagano, Japan [1]. The first model of the snowboard was created by Sherman Poppen, an engineer in Michigan, in 1965 as he attached two skis…