Summing Up 2019

Summary of Work: This semester, I have learned a lot about different design techniques that helped shape up my definition of aesthetics. I got to improve my sketching abilities through my sketch notebook, and I learned a lot from the peers I have been working with. In the Upcycle project, I was given full freedom…

20th Century Movements

My main project brainstorming process started out with the 20th century movements. I needed inspiration choosing an aesthetic. My first constraint was choosing a time period I liked, and from there I could narrow everything down to my desired look. I chose the early 90’s because I was intrigued by the different styles and variety…

Main Project Part 2

My main design intent for the dream catcher I made was to make it look as modern or futuristic as possible. I wanted to make the frame out of wood and paint it in a color that makes most sense to me from the aesthetic timeline approaches. Since the wood material I kept using is…

Final Report 1: Neon Dreamcatcher

Originally when I wanted to make a final project for this class, I did not think of making a dreamcatcher. After deciding on a style of dream catchers from research online, I wanted to create one that might look similar to this: Dreamcatcher sketch style vector illustration. Old engraving imitation. Dreamcatcher amulet hand drawn sketch…

Construction Timeline 2019

The timeline for this Aesthetics project can be grouped in the following way:   April 8-10: Finalize Idea/Aesthetic April 12: Order Materials Needed April 14: Create Simple Prototype April 15 – 18: Begin Construction April 19-21: Finalize Construction

Design Comparison: 20th Century Movements

I was really interested when the 20th century movements were introduced and explained in class. I have never analyzed an aesthetic based on where it lies on the 20th century movement timeline. Although I do not fully understand all the movements, I think I know well enough about some (or most) of them to compare…

Design Review Progress – Dream Catcher

For my original concept, I wanted to play around with different sensors using arduino. The idea was to create a device that uses a sound sensor to synchronize any sound played – such as music – with LED lights that play with the sound. I tried making this work, however, I could not make it…

Top 5 Constraints

Originally, I wanted to play around with sensors for my final project. I went ahead and tested some for an idea I had using sound detecting sensors. The idea behind the sensor is that it would sync with the sound rhythms that it detects. Unfortunately, that did not go as I expected since the many…

Main Project Inspiration

I had a lot of inspiration from the different upcycle projects I have seen in this class. My upcycle idea was pretty interesting, my only regret was the execution. As for the main project, I have yet to come up with an idea. I want to try and use the laser cutter in the product…

Skills and Aspirations: Hussam Alzahrani

Through my degree, my current skill sets and personal aspirations have been developing throughout the years. I consider myself a fast learner and an analytical observer. These skills helped me shape up my perspective and helps me with my work ethic. I think my skills are influenced by the climate around me, whether it’s my…

Upcycle Final Report: Speaker Landscape

My Inspiration:My Inspiration for this project came from a New York Times [1] Article I once read on the newspaper one time. Although I don’t remember the date, I remember the topic. It was about the versatile use of miniature-style art, and how they can be used as a nice piece to look at. Corporate…

Upcycle Inspiration: Speaker Landscape

For my upcycle project, I wanted to make use of a broken bluetooth speaker and make a landscape on top of it. My inspiration behind this project is when I kept seeing those miniature cities in movies, and I always wondered how cool they are on a large, 3-D scale. nb My original intent for…