Current Vs. 20th Century Design

At first I hard a hard time placing my design within a 20th century design movement, but upon more research I selected two design movements that matches my final design project. My final project is a snow globe terrarium. I making the base out of terra cotta. I am keeping the design of the terra…

Summing Up 2019

This semester I created two artifacts. The first artifact I created was an up-cycled lamp. For this artifact I focused on the appearance and how to make common trash into a beautiful object someone would want to keep inside their home. I achieved this with a very floral aesthetic. The second object I created was…

Main Project Part 2: Snow Globe Terrarium

I am very pleased with my final project. It is not what I originally aimed for aesthetically, but it still turned out very well. My original aesthetic was fairy tale with a combination of a log cabin aesthetic. I achieved my fairy tale aesthetic. My fairy tale aesthetic was achieved through the miniature house, butterfly/fairy…

Construction Timeline: Terrarium

For my final project I am creating a snowglobe terrarium. I already have almost all of my materials and I have made the main base of the terrarium, which was the most time consuming part of the project. I am also only available to work on the project during the weekend due to my busy…

Design Review Report: Terrarium

For my final project I want to focus on the dynamics of plants and containing that within something that is normally conceived as stagnant. To accomplish this I am creating a snow globe terrarium. An example of a normal terrarium is pictured below: Image taken from: I want to achieve a fairy tale aesthetic…

Top 5 Constraints

For my final project I am making a terrarium shaped like a snow globe. This project has a lot of complications that could arise. Here are the top five I can see effecting the project currently. The first constraint is the materials I will be using for the base of the terrarium. I need something…

Main Project Inspirations

For my project I plan on creating a terrarium in the shape of a snow globe. The snow globe shape, is obviously inspired by snow globes. The idea of a snow globe shape came to me during class while I was sketching. I already had the idea of a terrarium, I was just unsure of…

Skill Set and Aspirations

I am currently in my last semester in chemical and biological engineering, with a minor in biomedical engineering. As far as programs go I am proficient in Matlab, Aspen HYSYS, and Aspen Plus. I am very skilled in Excel. I am also experienced with some specialty tools. I am very good at compression fittings, Propress,…

Upcycle Project: Flower/Spiral Lamp

For my upcycle project I created a lamp with a spiral cardboard base and a floral, coffee filter lampshade. The base was made of a repeating shape that spiraled upward. Each piece was glued together with tacky glue. Shown below the individual pieces are shown and also in-progress pictures of the base being glued together.…

Upcycle Inspiration: Spiral Staircase

As I mentioned in my last blog post, the base of my lamp is inspired by a spiral staircase. The spiral staircase I was directly inspired by was from a DIY (Do it yourself) video,, by Ben Uyeda on Facebook I saw a couple of months ago (You can find Ben Uyeda and his…

Aesthetic Exploration: Chiaroscuro

Chiaroscuro, in its most basic form, is a contrast of light and dark without regard of color. It is commonly used to give subjects of a painting or photograph three dimensions with light falling on the subject from a particular light source out of frame. Though this technique has existed for a long time, it…