Post 13: Portfolio

This is a short portfolio linking to a variety of different projects I have worked on this semester, focusing on work completed for and relevant to aesthetics in design. AesDes Work: Upcycle Project: Pioneer-Primitive Cradle finished cradle, me The first project I did for aesthetics in design was the upcycle project, where I created a…

Final Part II: NeuMouse

Timeline While I would not consider my initial timeline overly ambitious, it was definitely not helped by my lack of electronics experience, relative inexperience with surfacing, and delayed project switch. Despite all of this, I am still happy with my final result. The timeline below shows an ideal/initial schedule for my project, ignoring the time…

NeuMouse Progress Report

Recap For a general project recap, I am designing a mouse to replace my personal Logitech G502 shown below. I have had this mouse for a very long time now, and the software has stopped working. Additionally, I want a mouse with similar customizeability but with a cleaner, more professional aesthetic. I do still want…

Post 9: NeuMouse Requirements and Restrictions

Recap: I am designing a computer mouse in the style of ‘neumorphism’. Neumorphism is an aesthetic commonly used in modern UI’s which originates from skeumorphism and glassmorphism. It is characterized by rounded shapes which appear to protrude and fade into a background of a similar shade and color. Typical color schemes contain neon/pastel blues and…

Aesthetics Exploration: Industrialism

Introduction The Industrialism Aesthetic is one primarily characterized by the use of unfinished materials, exposed structures, neutral color palettes, openness, functional-minimalism, and urban decay. A good example would be repurposed factory or warehouse spaces; see the Boulder Urban Outfitters store. Boulder UO Boulder UO History The industrialism aesthetic has seen two primary occurrences…