Nicholas Gotlib Portfolio

Throughout this class I’ve had the opportunity to really work on design choices understanding design principles. This was the first time I’ve been in a class where there are minimal guidelines for project and majority of the work you do is self-motivated and inspired. This honestly provided to be more challenging than a class where…

Progress: Design Updates

My initial plan for the final project consisted of building a custom foldable hammock that could be self standing without any wall mounts. Unfortunately after doing some calculations on how much it would cost as well as the time involved I decided that was not feasible with the resources and time I have. Brainstorming some…

Post 3: Upcycle Progress

Happy accidents, that’s how the progress on this project has been going for me. My initial plan of a vintage library inspired lamp has changed because of a new find. In order to find inspiration for projects I love going to the various thrift stores all around boulder where you can find the most eclectic…

Ametora Style in Japan

The word Ametora means “American Traditional” in Japanese which started in Japan in the 80’s. This style was initially influenced by the style of east coast ivy league college students which were documented by four Japanese style enthusiasts from between 1959 and 1965. This book became a huge success by selling over 50,000 copies worldwide…