Top 5 Specifications and Constraints: Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage

Top 5 Specifications and Constraints: Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage By: Michael Gray A sketch of one mini-frame subassembly Introduction In this post, I will be discussing the top 5 specifications and constraints that I have identified regarding my final project: The Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage. As this is the third post about my final project,…

Design Preview Report: Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage

Design Preview Report: Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage By: Michael Gray Project Vision For my project, I will be designing and manufacturing an art piece: The Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage. This project is inspired by various iterations of the photo collage frames seen below. The Minimalist Interchangable Photo Collage will include eleven ‘mini-frame’ assemblies and one…

Aesthetics Exploration: Seuss’s Surrealism

Dr. Seuss, the beloved children’s author and illustrator, is celebrated for his distinctive aesthetic that combines whimsy, imagination, and surrealism. Surrealism, an art movement that emerged in the early 20th century, seeks to express the irrational and dreamlike aspects of the human mind. Dr. Seuss masterfully incorporates surrealistic elements into his illustrations, creating fantastical landscapes…