Post 13 – Project Portfolio

This is my portfolio for some of the projects that I have worked on this year in Aesdes. Overall, I have enjoyed this class as it is something different to what I normally have taken in the past. I liked learning about the various aesthetics throughout different time periods, and personally exploring some aesthetics that…

Upcycling Progress

Admittedly, I haven’t made any progress on constructing my upcycling project. However, I have though a little bit more about how I would like the final form to look and which recycled elements I will use to construct it. This post will mainly focus on the initial research that I have done into what it…

Upcycling Project – 1970s/80s PC Inspired Interactive Art Piece

I really enjoy both the visual and tactile elements of old computer terminals from the 1970s and 1980s. While the technology that we interact with now has digital representations of buttons, switches, and knobs, there is something that is enjoyable about the tactile feel and sound of physical buttons from early computers. When brainstorming what…

Fantastic Realism

Fantastic realism is an art style that emerged in Austria in the middle of the 20th century. Fantastic realism depicts images that can’t really be explained, but drawn in the style of traditional realism, combining abstract art with incredible realism technique. It is described as ” dreamlike visions from the subconscious painted in a realistic…