Kyra Anderson Portfolio

Hi, my name is Kyra Anderson! This semester is Aesthetics for Design, we were tasked to create 2 open-ended projects. The first one was an upcycling project in my aesthetic of choice and the second one could be anything as long as it had a dynamic component and fit into the aesthetic I chose. This…

Planter Progress

I’ve been working on creating a planter box with a drawer that is in the modern farmhouse aesthetic. Since the design report, I first redrew my sketches to more exact dimensions and then listed out the size boards that I was going to need. I also created a top, side, and front view of the…

Wind City

Goal For my project, I wanted to create a decorative hanging art piece that I could display on my wall using materials that I upcycled. Project Aesthetic I have always really loved nature which has led to my interest in sustainability and helping our current environment be a cleaner place for future generations to live…

Opposite Aesthetic: Industrial

My upcycling project has an environmental aesthetic with lots of natural elements and depictions of what the future environment could look like. It includes lots of nature and renewable energy sources. When thinking of an opposite of this aesthetic, I thought of the industrial aesthetic. This is because industrial aesthetics were inspired by factories and…

Aesthetics Exploration: Organic Modern

Organic modern aesthetics are typically created by designing modern, minimalistic spaces and then adding in natural and organic elements to make it feel warm and cozy. According to Jennifer Kelly Geddes, organic modern design “channels a light, airy aesthetic while combining the best of modern design, natural craftsmanship, and a dash of Scandinavian flair” (1).…