The Drop-out Table: an homage to academic years and mid century simplicity.

Embarking on an upcycling project offers a unique opportunity to breathe new life into discarded materials, transforming them into something not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. My latest endeavor, a coffee table, stands as a testament to this transformative power, marrying the rustic charm of an old basketball court floor with the nostalgia of…

Sustainable Sophistication: Crafting a Mid-Century Modern Coffee Table from Upcycled Materials

In the realm of furniture design, the enduring charm of mid-century modern aesthetics continues to captivate with its clean lines and functional simplicity. My project delves into the heart of this design movement, presenting a Mid-Century Modern Coffee Table that seamlessly blends sleek sophistication with upcycled materials. Embracing Mid-Century Modern Design At its core, mid-century…

Norm-Core, The Joke That Became a True Fashion Trend

Normcore, a term born from the convergence of irony and fashion, represents a departure from the traditional notions of coolness. It transcends the pursuit of uniqueness and authenticity, opting instead for a post-authenticity coolness that revels in sameness. At its core, normcore is a deliberate embrace of the mundane, a rejection of alternative subcultures, and…