Progress Report

It took me a while to decide and tinker with the laser-etched designs. I wanted to experiment with floral but I struggled with making it look more cowboy as opposed to a “Hawaiian shirt” look. What I settled on was this, To add layers of designs and different looks fading into more and more detail.…

Design Review

Some of my inspiration was western suede leather jackets. Through research and Pinterest boards of my inspiration, I found that the Western aesthetic overlaps a lot with indigenous aesthetics leading to my discovery that both aesthetics and ideas overlap within history. I didn’t want to make something that was indigenous or to appropriate that aesthetic…

California Beach Aesthetic

Growing up in California I have noticed that there is a distinct beach aesthetic that exists in the reign. Long white sandy beaches, and palm trees boardwalks, can identify the California beach aesthetic. People with blond hair, tanned fit bodies, open-top Range Rover cars, floral light-colored flowy short clothing, and bright pastel-colored bathing suits. California…