Post 13: Portfolio

Aesthetics of Design Spring 2024 Blake Wilson This semester I created a sculpture and a bikepacking frame bag. The sculpture was part of the upcycling project, where I used recycled bike components in a cute industrial aesthetic. The frame bag is a functional piece of kit, built in the outdoor minimalist aesthetic. Upcycling Project: Industrial…

Industrial Disco Man

Here is the culmination of my upcycle project work! I’m calling it the “Industrial Disco Man”. I love the way the final result came out. I think the little guy is pretty cute and funny looking. Inspiration: I have wanted to create industrial looking sculptures even since I was a kid going to the Swetsville…


Atompunk is a futuristic aesthetic focused on how the world would have evolved from the nuclear age of the 1950’s and 60’s. In this timeline the transistor is never invented. This is therefore a future without the digital age. Instead of computers growing smaller and smaller, technology is larger and clunky. Every screen uses cathode…