Final Report Part 1, Inspiration & Initial Design: Scale Model Spaceship (NASA Pragmatism)

Inspiration To say my life revolves around space exploration is probably a bit dramatic, but I will say that a huge portion of my favorite things to discuss, think about, and even my career path involve space exploration. To me, it just seems like the natural progression of humanity’s journey: we have catalogued pretty much…

Design Preview Report: Scale model of long range spacecraft To say my life revolves around space exploration is probably a bit dramatic, but I will say that a huge portion of my favorite things to discuss, think about, and even my career path involve space exploration. To me, it just seems like the natural progression of humanity’s journey: we have catalogued pretty much…

Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives My main project aesthetic will follow technical space exploration design. This aesthetic is that iconic industrial, practical, blocky yet slipstream design usually clad in all white that is in almost all space design from spacesuit gloves all the way to spaceships. It is probably just the engineer in me talking, but I have always…

Main Project Plans and Inspirations: Space Exploration To say my life revolves around space exploration is probably a bit dramatic, but I will say that a huge portion of my favorite things to discuss, think about, and even my career path involve space exploration. To me, it just seems like the natural progression of humanity’s journey: we have catalogued pretty much…

Afrofuturism Mask

Afrofuturism Mask   Behold! The final result of my Afrofuturism upcycling design project! I thought about a proper title for the mask for some time but ultimately decided to keep the name simple and straightforward (in my somewhat limited reading on the cultural significance of masks in Africa, I learned that giving a mask a…

Opposite Upcycle Aesthetic: Afrofuturism

As far as I could discern the closest opposite of the Afrofuturism aesthetic would be the Colonial aesthetic. Colonial, referring to the expansion of Europe into other countries dating from approximately the 1500’s – 1800’s. Colonialism typically emulates history, civilization, conquering, and hierarchy, which are at direct odds of Afrofuturism: digital technology, nature, symbiosis, and…

Upcycling Aesthetic: Afrofuturism

Afrofuturism 2.0 by John Jennings The design aesthetic I am choosing for my upcycling project is Afrofuturism, a recent cultural and art movement that has increased in popularity in the last decade. Afrofuturism, as the name suggests, combines the cultural heritage of many different African countries and communities with modern digital technological design. Most oftenly,…

Aesthetic Explorations – Frutiger Aero

Bliss – Photograph taken by Charles O’Rear       The Frutiger Aero aesthetic is an aesthetic originating from early 2000’s corporate and digital consumer electronics culture. The Frutiger Aero aesthetic is most recognizable by the iconic Windows XP operating system default desktop background image Bliss, originally photographed by Charles O’Rear in 1996. Frutiger Aero is characterized by…