Post 13: Portfolio

Alex Fitzgerald Project Portfolio In the Aesthetics of Design course I created two artifacts. The first was an upcycling project using recycled materials in order to create a minimalist metallic wall sculpture. In the second project I created a dynamic wind sculpture following a similar aesthetic to my first project. Upcycling Project: Alternating Waves For…

Post 10

2″x4″ Wood Frame I purchased three 2″x4″x8′ pieces of wood from Home Depot. I have cut most of the pieces to length and have begun attaching the columns of mylar disks. I will wait to assemble the frame until all the mylar disk columns have been attached in case my sizing estimate is slightly off.…

Alternating Waves

Figure 1 – Alternating Waves For my UpCycling project I created Alternating Waves. Alternating Waves is a metallic wall sculpture designed with a minimalist aesthetic. With my artifact I wanted to evoke a calming rhythmic feeling utilizing repeated waves. My intended emotion pairs well with minimalism as to meet the calming nature of the piece I…