Since my last post I have pivoted my aspirations for this project. Originally, I thought a bedside table/lamp would be perfect for me as I will be moving to Chicago next year and wanted something homemade to create a cozy aesthetic for my bedroom. I realized that my main project would have to incorporate a dynamic piece to the design, and I didn’t really have any ideas for how to incorporate something without making the whole thing too difficult. Instead, I thought of using a project from when I was a kid and decided to build something around it to display it in all its glory. As for my old project, when I was in middle school, I took old glass bottles and made the perk bottles from COD zombies. My idea is to make a stand that houses and illuminates all of them. In addition to this, when you pick up a bottle, I want the theme music from the individual perk to play out loud. I think this will be great as a dynamic project and cool to incorporate and add to something I was really proud of when I was younger.
Example of illuminated perk bottles display
Now, if you’re confused by what I mean when I refer to “perk bottles” I don’t blame you, however, I envy the fact you could experience such an amazing game as COD zombies for the first time and I can’t. Anyway, perk bottles refer to the soda looking bottles that are placed around every map in Call of Duty zombies. They’re a way for you to use points gained to become stronger, faster, and many other perks. The story of COD zombies starts during WWll so the basic aesthetic they give off is one that fits that time period; however, every map is different and thus has a different aesthetic tied to it. My idea is to take my wood cabin aesthetic from the previous post and add it to the base of the display. This could include adding wood paneling to the display box or something in the background.
COD Zombies Forest loading screen
As an alternative to this aesthetic, I could do something along the lines of cyberpunk. Making the base and decorations around the display using futurist elements could invoke more of a brutal nature to the piece. I would include steel paneling and paint the base all silver. I don’t think I would want something like this in my bedroom as it should be a subtle decoration, however, why not explore the idea of other designs?
An idea for the background in a futuristic/cyberpunk aesthetic for my project would be to add columns wrapping around the bottles. Almost looking like spikes, they would come from the ground and illustrate a brutalist and dystopian nature. It would fit the overall design since the perk bottles already are associated with a dystopian future where zombies have taken over. In addition, putting figures in the background would add to this theme. I think I will take the idea of adding something behind the bottles associated with my original design as it would look better having the bottles be in-between the foreground and background.
(3) Example of brutalist/futuristic towers
Featured image:, The Caveman’s Guide
Image 1:, Pipeen
,Image 2:, Jacob-LHh3
Image 3:, Hieronymus Bosch and zdzisław beksiński
2 Comments. Leave new
Super fun combo of project and idea. Sorry if I missed it but do you think you will incorporate the see thru bottles or more opaque like the main photo?
Jack, I like the idea of incorporating your old project into something new. The wood cabin aesthetic fits the Zombies theme perfectly, and the illuminated display will make it stand out even more. The sound trigger idea is awesome, how are you planning to implement the sound effect? Looking forward to seeing how it comes together.