Rustic Cottagecore End Table Design Preview

For my main project I will be making an end table for my couch with a folding leaf extension in the rustic cottage core aesthetic. I chose this aesthetic because I really enjoy it and it matches my current living room decor. I also knew I wanted to use wood to create this end table due to cost, tools, and skill restraints. I want to make the table somewhat decorative by adding ornamental L-supports and painting designs on the wood. I intend to paint vines, leaves, and flowers on the wood to add to the cottagecore aesthetic. I would also like to stain the wood a warm color that still shows the natural grain. I would also like to seal the wood with a clear protective layer to ensure it lasts and will not be damaged with use. 

rustic cottagecore aesthetic (The Women Home)
example of couch end table (Pottery Barn Allen Rectangular Extending C-Table)

The alternate aesthetics I identified in my previous post were industrial and mid-century modern. I considered both of these aesthetics for this project, but decided against them for several reasons. The industrial aesthetic does not match my existing home decor, and would require me to work with metals. I have some welding experience, but I am not very good at it so I know it would not look good. The metal would also be more expensive and harder for me to work with than wood. I do enjoy the mid-century modern aesthetic and I know it would match the vibe of my living room. However, mid-century modern furniture often consists of curved edges and other complex geometry that I do not have the skills to accomplish with wood. I also really want to paint a design on my project, as I love painting, but that would not match the mid-century modern aesthetic. Identifying these alternate aesthetics has further solidified that I would like to stick with the rustic cottage core aesthetic. This aesthetic is not only achievable with my skillset, budget, and timeline, but it is also an aesthetic I truly enjoy. This table will fit in well with my living room and my overall taste in home decor. 

industrial aesthetic end table (Pottery Barn Melvin Round Marble Adjustable Accent Table)
mid century modern aesthetic end table (Joss & Main Hannabel end table)

It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do for this project because I had a few too many ideas. I settled on this couch end table with an extending leaf last week, so I have not begun fabrication yet. I began this project by looking at some inspiration photos of end tables. I identified one Pottery Barn end table with a folding leaf to loosely base my design off of. This folding leaf serves as the dynamic part of my design. Once I identified my design I began sketching what my table may look like. 

inspiration (Pottery Barn Allen Rectangular Extending C-Table)
my intial design sketch

I plan for my table to work perfectly with the couch I currently own. I measured the dimensions of my couch to determine the appropriate dimensions for my end table. From these measurements, I decided that my end table will be approximately 26 in tall. The table top will be 10in X 12in, and will fold out to 20in X 12in. I used SolidWorks to create a model of what my table will roughly look like. 


preliminary sketching and dimensioning
CAD model with leaf extended
CAD model with leaf folded

Once I finalize my dimensions, I will likely purchase the wood at Home Depot. I plan to use piano hinges to attach the leaf extension to the main table top. I plan for these hinges to be concealed when the table top is folded. I am hoping to find brass colored hinges to maintain the warm feel I want in my table. 

brass hinge (Home Depot)

I am also considering purchasing an ornate L-support to hold the table top to the frame. These may be purchased from a hardware store, thrift store, or ordered online. I want these supports to add to my design. I am still deciding if I would want brass or black supports. If I cannot find supports that I like enough to incorporate, I will simply make the supports out of wood and paint them with my intended design. 

ornate L-support (Etsy)

For my fabrication process, I will first be finalizing all dimensions using CAD. I have lots of experience with SolidWorks, so this will not be new to me. I have made a general model in SolidWorks, but my dimensions are not yet final. I will have to investigate what standard sizes of wood planks are available to minimize the number of cuts I need to make. Once my dimensions are finalized I will purchase all materials needed. I will then cut the wood to size either at Home Depot or at the woodshop in the Idea Forge. I have worked with woodshop tools before, but it has been a while so I may need a refresher. Once all cuts are made, I will ensure that all pieces will fit together as intended before securing anything. If parts are not fitting as intended, I will need to recut the wood. I will then secure the wood with fasteners, with either wood screws and a drill, or a nail gun. I may decide to cover the fasteners with wood putty and then sand it down if I feel that the fasteners distract from the intended aesthetic. I am concerned about the table being very top heavy and unstable, especially when the leaf is extended. I will have to keep an eye on this issue throughout fabrication to determine how it may be combatted. At this point I will stain the wood with an oil-based wood stain. The stain is intended to give the wood a warm color while still leaving the natural grain visible. I will then paint the designs onto the wood frame, then finally seal it with a clear coating. 

Gantt Chart

I have created a Gantt chart detailing the timeline for this project throughout the remainder of the semester. This timeline will help me stay on track to complete my project in time. I need to finalize my dimensions, gather materials, cut the materials to size, ensure they fit, assemble them, then stain, paint, and seal. I have built in some margin to this timeline to account for unforeseen circumstances that may arise. 

I am super excited to see my project start to come together. I would love to hear any comments, opinions, and suggestions about my design. As well as any advice about where to source materials and critiques about how to best approach my fabrication process. 
