Scandinavian/Industrial Modern Furniture and Alternatives

For my project, I plan on making an end table or center console for my living room. This will help to fill some needs in my living space, and allow me to create a piece of furniture I can enjoy for years to come. If I choose to go the end table route, I would like to integrate a light source to add complexity, whether it be an integrated lamp or accent lighting. 


The primary aesthetic I would like to follow would be Scandinavian modern, with some inspiration from the MCM movement. Both of these aesthetics feature similar design language, highlighting minimalism and functionality through the use of simple geometric shapes. While I believe both of these aesthetics would mesh well with my existing furniture and decorations, the use of light woods in Scandinavian modern furniture could help me to keep costs down for the purposes of this project. Additionally, the highly simplistic designs in the Scandinavian modern aesthetic could help me to cut down on woodworking time, and help to eliminate the need to incorporate rounded shapes. Both of these blend extremely well with my personal aesthetic. Below is an end table I would draw heavy inspiration from, and a lamp that I took inspiration from when sketching my design.

[1] A minimalist Scandinavian modern end table design.

[2] The IKEA Tvarhand lamp

A Scandinavian modern End table with integrated light fixture.

While Brutalism is not a true antithesis to the above aesthetics, I believe that it could be a great alternate direction to go in. The heavy emphasis on non-natural materials such as concrete, metal, and other manmade materials like brick could help me to gain experience working with new building processes. While this aesthetic may not blend perfectly with my current aesthetic, I think the contrast of these industrial materials and colors could help to add some interest to my living space. Below are some artifacts I drew heavy inspiration from when sketching my design for these artifacts. 

[3] A Brutalist/Naturalist end table from PotteryBarn

[4] A concrete Brutalist end table

When sketching the ideas for my project, I really liked the idea of meshing the two, and creating a center console/tv stand that mimics the look of stone or concrete, with some added modern contrast of wooden or glass doors. I would classify the aesthetic of this design as industrial modern as the overall minimal design and use of light wood for the drawers and top would fall into the Scandinavian aesthetic, and the unfinished concrete or stone would draw on the industrial materials highlighted by the Brutalist movement. Below is a product I found on Etsy that effectively captures the look I would be going for.

[5]  An industrial modern tv stand.

A single drawer, industrial modern TV stand.

If I were to manufacture this, I would likely want to use cement board and a concrete surface coating to help keep weight and cost down, and prevent the need to create a complex concrete form. While this may not yield the raw, unfinished edges present in most Brutalist concrete work, I believe the use of this material alone would add some contrast and interest to my project. 







2 Comments. Leave new

  • Arden Villanueva
    March 10, 2025 4:23 pm

    I love how you’re blending different design aesthetics to create something unique! The combination of Scandinavian modern with industrial and Brutalist elements seems like it will add a lot of character to your space. The idea of using cement board and a concrete surface coating is really smart for keeping costs and weight down. Have you considered any specific finishes or sealants to enhance the concrete look while also maintaining durability?

  • James Overberg
    March 10, 2025 9:21 am

    Both these aesthetics in furniture can be cool; I’ve seen a few concrete coffee tables that match the idea of this project. But more importantly, combining the two aesthetics is a unique idea that I like. I like how the combination of two relatively opposite aesthetics makes something arguably better than each one on its own. Will you be incorporating any additional textures, like metal accents, to complement the concrete and wood? It could be a cool way to tie in some industrial elements

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