For this main project, my original plan was to be able to make a microphone from scratch but due to the scope of that project being quite big and see the time commitment needed gather and learn about the circuity need to make it function, I figured that i happen to stick with something that aids with something that I already use, might my microphone, which currency sits on the trip pod stand that happen to come with the device. This is great and all but there are some disadvantages that come with that currently set up, with the main one being that it happens to pick up all the sounds and vibration that happen to go through the table, which can be a bit distracting during a voice/video recording. I figured that making a stand for it would be something that I could see myself using for a bit and if it works good enough, I could possibly gift it to my sibling considering they would probably get more use out of it as they still happen to game a bit. I plan on modeling after some low profile ones that are currently on the market, I happen to want to go low profile as they don’t happen to stick out as much, keeping with a minimalist aesthetic that I am trying to go for. Below is an example of a low profile boom arm:
Another reason for the making of this be my project being that picking up a budget would often lead to it coming with some random support spring, and though they are to keep the device stable, based on my experience they can also contribute to noises picked up by the microphone, which again, go back to the issue of it being an awkward experience for troubleshooting. Another way for having the design contribute to the minimalist aesthetic is by having it be where the cable can be routed through the inside of the arm, eliminating the clutter of cables that normally hang off a mic boom arm. And if it is not possible, then have to clip along the side of the arm to give off the same effect but an inspection and talk with ITLL staff about the dimension of the print is needed before going forward.
as for an alternative aesthetic to my design I feel like anything that stands out from the norm could be considered an alternative aesthetic choice. a few cases that happen to come to mind would be that of futurism including a whole bunch of white textures that are highly reflective and LED lights that go along the side of the bar of the arms this makes it look very futuristic having a soft glow lighting but also makes it stand out from the rest of my setup which does not feature such aesthetic of lights and futurism though the color white is going to be incorporated within my final build to match my minimalism aesthetic.
Ask for another alternative aesthetic to my design I feel that my original inspiration of building a microphone itself happens to have a design that could have been possibly incorporated into the boom arm fixture that I am making instead. borrowing my inspiration from the youtube channel DIY Perks and the video Building a quality USB-C microphone, It could have been possible for me to make a similar rustic bronze aesthetic to the microphone design which isn’t common Within the industry of Mike boom arms so I feel like that probably could have made a interesting design choice though incorporating that within my setup would have been difficult as it would have been a very standout piece that would sit on my table rather than something that I’m trying to have elusively be sitting at my desk ready for use. the following image below happens this show what that final build would have looked like if I happen to go that route.
I can’t really draw so I just choose images of what different aesthetics would have looked like for my project.
Matt. (2021). Building a quality USB-C microphone. DIY Perks. Retrieved 2025, from
2 Comments. Leave new
This is a great project. A low-profile, minimalist boom arm sounds like a solid upgrade, especially with built-in cable management. The futurism and rustic bronze alternatives are interesting, but the clean aesthetic will definitely blend better with most setups. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together.
This sounds like a great and practical project and I really like that rustic bronze mic aesthetic if you choose to go that route. What are your plans for dampening out the noises from the table? It sounds like the spring contributes to the noise so possibly using some soft/spongy material as a base would help. I look forwards to seeing the finished project!