My idea for an aesthetic is the rustic farmhouse style. I believe that this aesthetic is very pleasing to the eye, and quite achievable for a minimal budget. I believe that this aesthetic captures the utilitarian aspect of design, while capturing the force that is time and nature, and the effects that those two factors have on the appearance of a simple device, such as the water well pictured above.
My initial idea is to make a simple water fountain. This would make the water the moving aspect of my project. I think this would be nice because the sound of flowing water can be quite relaxing. My idea is to create a rustic farmhouse looking waterspout that pours onto a small bed of rocks that would eventually filter back to a small water-pump. Maybe I could make the waterspout have the same appearance of a hand pump water well.
A contradictory idea for a water fountain would be more of a mediterranean type fountain. This does not capture the simple design of fountains that was more prevalent in rural America. This fountain would be more ornate and would maybe be found in a slightly more regal setting rather than a farm. Both are aesthetically pleasing and achievable, but for my project I think I will go with the rustic farm aesthetic and try to capture the weathered look of an old piece of farm equipment for this project.
Image 1: Best Outdoor Living Rooms: Rustic fountain idea
Image 2: Ben Haley
Image 3: Ben Haley
2 Comments. Leave new
Heyyy Ben,
I really like the idea of a fountain. I love the sketches. They are straightforward but they definitely show what you want to achieve in your project. What is going to be the main material you are going to be using for the fountain?
Overall, I really like your idea of a water fountain.
Hi Ben, i like the idea of a fountain i think the Mediterranean fountain would look really cool however it does look complex to manufacture. how large are you planning on making the fountain and how are you planning on constructing it? will it be made of concrete?