Self Identity and expression is something that individualizes us from everyone else. Growing up, I always explored my own form of identity and exploration – noting the things about myself that I loved, hated, changed and never changed over time. Who I am and was is personal to me and it is only through my eyes that I see the world we live in. 

As mentioned in my previous post, I am designing a clock that explores memories, individuality and self identity. Over the last week, I have researched different clock designs and ideated on the clock that I wish to create. 

From the start, I knew that I was going to laser cut most of my pieces. Because of this, my research stems from 3D puzzles and wood kits. Some of the clocks were very inspiring and I will be taking elements from them to incorporate into my own, but the main goal was to understand how I may tackle the obstacle of stacking elements and including a moving pendulum.

3D Wooden Clock Puzzle - Royal Clock | Wooden.CityROKR 3D Wooden Puzzle 168Pieces for Adult DIY Wall Quartz Clock Decortion  Kits Gift for KidsDIY Clock & Calendar | ROKR 3D Wooden Puzzle | Robotime

Through my research, I found multiple mechanisms that would serve the purpose of creating a pendulum clock. Much of this included prefabricated mechanisms that I would purchase and install as the main clock. As someone who is not as familiar with creating mechanisms, I plan to use this method, and design/make the “shell” of the clock. 

For my chosen aesthetic, I am loosely inspired by Art Nouveau. However, instead of matching the aesthetic and design traits that are associated with Art Nouveau, I plan to take its biomimicking principles and apply it to my modern take – I call it the Moderne Nouveau (The New Modern). 

Art Nouveau was characterized not just by its design elements, but by its philosophy of design that uses natural systems and understanding the organic world, which I plan to emphasize. These methods of design can be seen in Architectural examples like Gaudi’s Casa Batllo. 

5 Symbolic Elements of Casa Batlló's Façade | Casa Batlló       Casa Batlló: 'Be the First!' Entrance Ticket | City Sightseeing©

    Explore Casa Batlló, Antoni Gaudí's Most Magical Building

Much of this townhouse was inspired by skeletal systems of turtles, scales of dragons, and depictions of the ocean or seashells. Gaudi utilized the working systems of nature to create interpretive pieces of architecture. 

For me, I have been deeply inspired by the inner workings of the eye, specifically the intricate and intertwining features of the iris. 

This may contain: the iris of an eye is shown in this close up photo, with blue and yellow colorsThis may contain: an eyeball is shown in black and white

There is something deeply mesmerizing about the fragments and fractals we see when closely observing the eye. Each person has their own unique color, patterns and shape to their eye that sets them apart from everyone else. This also relates to the main intention behind this clock – self expression and identity. These organic elements and individual expression through the iris, makes this the perfect focal point for my clock. I plan to mimic some of my individual features by using layers of green acrylic and stained wood, which will closely relate to my own eye color.

So far, I have sketched some different ideas throughout the entire process. You can see moments in which I was just designing Art Nouveau inspired clocks, picking and choosing elements from the clocks that I have researched, and finally, the moment in which I found the iris to be the main clock representation.


The image just above is the design I have settled on – All sketches by me.

At the moment, I have sketched out ideas to the point that I am feeling confident in moving forward to 3D modeling. This will solidify the overall concept for the clock. After which, I will work on the laser cut template for each piece and begin fabrication. 




2 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Time and Identity – A Clock Design […]

  • Jules Fischer-White
    March 5, 2025 7:57 pm

    Wow. I find both the photos of the eyeball and your design incredibly beautiful beautiful! I really like the way the organic shapes layer and create dimension, and the idea of having all three spokes move with the pendulum. How big is this clock going to be? I was also thinking it would be really cool to incorporate your organic design into the clock hands. Is there any way you could laser cut the clock hands and attach them to the clock? Or do all the prefabricated mechanisms come with fixed hands? Have you thought about putting lights in between the layers? I’m excited to see how this project turns out!

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