Barcelona and its Art Nouveau's architecture: From Gaudí to the Palau de la Música - Marina Port Vell

[2] Antoni Gaudi’s Basílica de la Sagrada Família

Modernisme is the Catalan word for modernism, also known as Catalan Art Nouveau. Architect Antoni Gaudí is credited with founding this aesthetic, and his works can be seen across Barcelona. Some of his most notable creations using this aesthetic include Basílica de la Sagrada Família and Casa Batlló (see figure 2 and the featured image). This aesthetic originated in the late 1880s. It’s inspired by the art nouveau movement, but promotes Catalan culture, language, and regional independence.

How to Create Warm Minimalism in Your Home — Minima

[3] Sample Minimalistic Room

Modernisme features many organic and ornate shapes, and is portrayed with many vibrant colors. I believe an opposite alternative to these aesthetics’ characteristics is minimalism. Unlike modernisme, minimalism features simple designs with neutral colors. It originated in the late 1900s, and began as a rejection of traditional and enlightenment values that were once prominent in Europe. Modernism is very a common aesthetic seen today.

Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona: the 10 Major Works - Barcelona Navigator

[4] Interior of Antoni Gaudi’s Casa Batlló

Taking inspiration from Gaudi’s Casa Batlló (see featured image and figure 4), I’m going to simulate a vinyl record player using the modernisme aesthetic. I want to purchase a Bluetooth speaker that will be embedded within a box below the spinning record (either facing out the front or bottom of the box). For the dynamic component, I plan to use a motor to rotate a decorative record as if it were causing the music (like a standard record player). For the record itself, I want to find a scratched out, recycled record, paint it, then have it displayed as part of this speaker.


                 [5] Main Project Sketch with Modernisme Aesthetic                   [6] Main Project Sketch with Minimalism Aesthetic

Sketches of my main project design with both the modernisme and minimalism aesthetics are shown above. As you can see, I’m planning to replicate the curves and shaping seen in the Casa Batlló for my main project. On the other hand, the minimalist design is almost only straight lines and in a very rectangular shape. (Note, the two configurations of each aesthetic style are dependent on the speaker’s placement in the box.) My sketches don’t include colors since I haven’t quite decided on how I’d like to paint my project, but I anticipate using a variety of blues, oranges, and yellows. For the minimalist aesthetic, I would instead paint the box either brown, white, grey, or black.

Based on my experimentation with these sketches, I plan to stick with my original aesthetic. I really want to make use of vibrant colors, and test a design with organic shapes (a style I have little experience with). It will certainly be more of a challenge than sticking to the simple, minimalist aesthetic; however, I think the product will be more personally meaningful and rewarding.


[1] Valérie, 2020,

[2] Marina Port Vell Barcelona, 2021,

[3] Minima, 2022,

[4] Dan Blystone, 2025,

[5] Drawn by me

[6] Drawn by me

[7] Aesthetics Wiki, N/A,

[8] Aesthetics Wiki, N/A,

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Chrisanna Bertuccio
    March 9, 2025 11:27 pm

    Hi Eric,
    This is such a great idea! I feel like people are not usually very creative with how record players looks. Where do you plan to source your materials from?

    • Eric Fiechtner
      March 11, 2025 8:14 pm

      Hi Chrisanna, thanks for your comment! My thought is to 3D print the box using standard PLA and the free-use 3D printers found at the ITLL. I’m not totally sure how best to refine the surface finish of the 3D print, but I suspect I’ll use a combination of sanding as well as automotive spray putty. Fortunately, I can get this spray and sand paper from places like Home Depot, McGuckin Hardware, or Walmart. For the speaker, I think I’ll find a suitable one online (amazon), at a department store, or a second-hand store (like Goodwill). Lastly, I heard that the record store on Pearl will occasionally give out free records that are pretty scratched out, so I’ll look there for a record.

  • Hi Eric! I really like your idea for this project – I’ve never seen a modernisme record player and am excited to see the final result. With that, I’m wondering how you plan to flatten the top of the record player so that the motorized record is able to spin smoothly? Your sketches have a spiral-type design on the top that looks like the waves concave into a more flattened center, but I wasn’t sure. Or are you planning to also have the record mirror the modernisme aesthetic by bending it into a wavy shape?

    • Eric Fiechtner
      March 11, 2025 8:19 pm

      Hi Eli, I didn’t think about changing the record shape itself. That could be really cool! My thought was to have an elevated, flat platform for the record to rest on that would rotate with the motor. It wouldn’t be visible when the record is on the box, but would provide a flat surface for it to rotate on. On the inside of the box, I want to keep the surface flat to secure the motor, so hopefully that will avoid any problems of the record hitting the top while spinning.

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