Mid-Century Modern Aesthetic: Watch Winder and Alternative Aesthetics

After considering different aesthetics and styles that would look good incorporated in my room, I have decided to follow through with the mid-century modern aesthetic. I enjoy the clean lines and the organic shapes that accompany the aesthetic. Using this aesthetic to create my project will create a cool-looking decoration that can help my room’s overall eclectic aesthetic.

The project I will be pursuing with this aesthetic is a watch winder. I have an automatic watch that I do not always wear because it is fancy and does not mesh well with my everyday usage. Because of this, I always have to wind it before use, which does not guarantee it will stay on the whole time. Because of this, I want to design a watch winder that I can put in my room and use. I will most likely be 3d printing the frame to be able to make a complex silhouette and shape. I am also considering using wood or acrylic and the laser cutter to create a suitable frame for the winder.

Picture 1: A gyroscopic watch winder designed by The Practical Engineer


Alternate Design Aesthetic – Modern:

An alternate aesthetic for the design that I have considered is modern. I would communicate the modern aesthetic by using different and more metallic materials. The picture below shows this aesthetic:

Picture 2: A Modern Aesthetic Watch Winder

The watch winder here uses modern materials in a grey futuristic color scheme. While this design initially intrigued me, I was intimidated by having to machine metal to complete it. Because of that, I opted for a mid-century modern aesthetic that would allow for a broader range of materials and more freedom of form.

Alternate Aesthetic – Luxury:

Finally, I considered following a luxury aesthetic. The luxury aesthetic usually makes use of elegant designs with high-end materials. One example of a luxury watch winder is shown in the picture below:

Picture 3: Luxury Aesthetic Watch Winder

The luxury aesthetic originally was something I considered because of the nature of watches. Although I own cheaper watches, the watchmaking and timepiece industry is often considered a luxury. So, a luxury watch winder would follow this theme. After considering this, I realized that I did not have the resources to make a luxury box. It would likely require soft clothes and polished wood, but I do not have the time or the money to create a product like that. Because of this, I favored modern or mid-century modern more.

Overall, a watch-winder would be a functional decoration for my room. Not only would it address one of my needs, but it would also add to the overall eclectic aesthetic that I am pursuing for room decoration.



Feature Picture: https://www.roroos.com/breitling-watch-winder-with-solid-wood-for-2-watches.html

Picture 1: https://thepracticalengineer.com/blog/watchwinder

Picture 2: https://www.mozsly.com/products/mozsly%C2%AE-double-watch-winder-grey-leather

Picture 3: https://www.amazon.com/Flexible-Pillows-Featured-Pattern-Included/dp/B08NVZNWXG

4 Comments. Leave new

  • I have never heard of a watch winder, this sounds super cool! Have you looked into the mechanism much? I am curious about both the scale and complexity of the winder. Are you going to need to do some smart circuitry in order to not overwind the watches?

    • Garrison Nazare
      March 11, 2025 10:38 pm

      Hello Alex,
      The circuitry is actually pretty simple. I am going to just connect it to an Arduino to wind the watch and do the mechanism. For the gyroscopic winder there is some more circuitry used because an Arduino is not used. But I believe if I use an Arduino it would be very easy to create the actual winding.

  • James Overberg
    March 7, 2025 9:32 am

    This is a cool project idea. I didn’t know a watch winder existed until now because I’ve had a few watches stop working after not wearing them for a while, and I had to reset them. I think you could still capture a luxury aesthetic if you wanted to use wood vinyl, just some cheaper cloth, and maybe acrylic instead of glass, but the modern aesthetic would still be cool. I am excited to see how this turns out.

    • Garrison Nazare
      March 11, 2025 10:40 pm

      Hello James,

      I had not thought of substituting some cheaper materials to replicate a luxury aesthetic. That is a good idea to use some fabric and some cheaper wood. I still think I am going to be following a mid-century modern aesthetic, because I believe it would look better with the rest of the furniture and decorations in my room. But thank you for the feedback!

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