When thinking about what my personal aesthetic is, I found it hard to identify one. In reality, all my life is random and I find the weirdest things interesting. How I dress is different from how I decorate my house in terms of aesthetics. I found what I am interested in and how I decorate is more interesting and has more of an aesthetic that sometimes bleeds a bit into my clothing. I think I am a combination of Nerdcore and Geek Aesthetic with a slight bit of cluttercore in terms of decorating style.

Geek Aesthetic

This has someone who is typically not seen as “mainstream”. They are someone who is a bit obsessed with hobbies, and intellectual pursuits, and a bit of an outsider. These are people who are really interested in something like a TV show, Movie or Book series, Video games, or board games. They go over the top than the typical person with their interests where they go to collect memorabilia, posters, figures, etc.

Geek Aesthetic Example [1]

Nerdcore is seen as a more popular nerd. This genre is from the late 1990s. There is a focus on science fiction, Star Wars, Star Trek, tabletop games, computer technology, and music. It brings the nerd culture into pop culture. A major portion of it is interested in interesting or crazy graphics. There is a lot of integration with the “Nerds” of the 80s – 2000s, but integrating them with the internet. It goes away from the typical skinny, weak guys to someone who is more proud of their interests.

Nerdcore Example [2]

This is the opposite of minimalistic. It is the modern version of Maximalism. While maximalisms purpose was to show off the Victoria Era’s wealth, cluttercore replicates this in the modern age. It is the idea that people have a lot to display and want to show off to others. It focuses on the collection of mini trinkets.


Cluttercore Example [3]
I feel like I am the combination of all of these, but mostly nerdcore and the geek aesthetic with a little bit of cluttercore. I am huge into F1, Legos, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Computers, Anime, Computer Aided Design, Music, Pokemon, Video Games, Board Games, etc. I have a lot of posters or objects that represent these all throughout my room and my walls and shelves are covered. I think that’s where this goes a little into the cluttercore aesthetic. I do also have some shirts that fall into these categories, but that is not my constant outfit. I intend for my final project to incorporate some sort of display that fits this.



[1] https://x.com/JayzTwoCents/status/1832874902959067187/photo/1

[2] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aesthetics/images/9/9a/Ab67616d0000b27305a08ee8473cdaa7e95e3e8bab67616d0000b2730bbd2a1b90a33712daceca29ab67616d0000b273bf8591b696d4b1b8dd31cb81ab67616d0000b273e300975505899d2bb67ec5e8.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20231205014138

[3] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/aesthetics/images/7/72/Nerd_clutter.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230226190808


Wiki, C. to A. (n.d.-a). Cluttercore. Aesthetics Wiki. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Cluttercore

Wiki, C. to A. (n.d.-b). Geek. Aesthetics Wiki. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Geek

Wiki, C. to A. (n.d.-d). Maximalism. Aesthetics Wiki. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Maximalism

Wiki, C. to A. (n.d.-b). Nerdcore. Aesthetics Wiki. https://aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Nerdcore

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Chris Adami-Sampson
    March 2, 2025 4:34 pm

    Xander I love the aesthetic you were able to find for yourself, I too struggled a lot to fine my own aesthetic. Having been in your house and room before I can say that this aesthetic fits you an your space very well. Because I have also talked to you about your main project plans, I am curious whether or not you plan to implement this aesthetic in the actual design of the shelving system or just let the cars do the work.

  • Delos Ashcraft
    February 27, 2025 3:14 pm

    This was great Xander. I agree that it is difficult to narrow down a person to one aesthetic, but the ones that you chose are very interesting and seem to match you well. What lego sets/board games that you play would say match your aesthetics the most?

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