For my initial project ideation, I wanted to upcycle a lamp shade and make it into a Studio Ghibli inspired lamp. Studio Ghibli’s aesthetic has natural, earthy, and cozy aspects. I wanted to bring those elements into my design.
When beginning my material search, I went to the thrift store and looked how lamp shades with a wire base. Unfortunately, there were limited lamp shades and none that had the right base to upcycle. Instead, I purchased an iridescent glass bowl to drill and make into a lamp shade. I thought the bowl had the vision of a Ghibli-core style that I wanted to utilize and upcycle.
Figure 1: Glass Bowl Figure 2: Glass Bowl
Unfortunately, when I tried figuring out how I was going to drill the lamp, I had a lot of considerations and challenges:
- how to get access to the drill bit
- where I can find a cost effective way to drill this/use my resources
- possibility that the bowl will break
In the process of finding resources to drill my bowl, the ITLL did not have glass drilling that would work with my bowl. I went to McGuckins to see if I could get advice while also seeing if I can purchase a drill bit. I wasn’t able to get much help and the drill bits were $40. I decided to just try and figure out a plan B, while I was walking back, my bowl broke in my bag. I had to quickly figure out a solution to this problem. I decided to scrap the idea of making a lamp shade and instead, I recycled an old pair of jeans that I don’t wear.
The jeans that I had were too long and were out of style. Using inspiration from Pinterest, I was able to visualize how to rework my jeans into something wearable and a staple in my wardrobe.
Figure 3: Jeans Before Figure 4: Jeans Before
Here is my Pinterest inspiration:
Figure 5: Jean Inspiration Figure 6: Jean Inspiration Figure 7: Jean Inspiration
I headed to the thrift store, toward the bedding aisle. There were plenty of fabrics and I found that pillowcases were the best fabric to use whilst maximizing fabric and minimizing waste. I also had to find fabrics that still went along with my aesthetic. I was able to find this red fabric with flowers on it. I think it fit the nature theme and cozy feeling of Studio Ghibli while being something wearable and more stylish.
Figure 8: Final Jean Upcycle
Figure 9: Final Jean Upcycle
Here is the process of my jean upcycling through a video format. I captured the utilization of the fabric I bought, expanding the legs of my jeans, and sewing the two fabrics together. I tried to create a tutorial-styled simplified video to catch the viewer’s attention.
Figure 8: Video
Although my original lamp shade idea went downhill, I really enjoyed reworking my jeans. I found that old clothes are usually donated and rarely recycled. I thought it was a nice idea to upcycle something you have or used to love and recreate it into something stylish and loved back into your closet. I definitely enjoyed making them and am inspired to continue to rework my clothing.
Figure 5: Lind Alene,, via Pinterest
Figure 6: popetmeimei,, via Pinterest
Figure 7: Franchini Flavia,, via Pinterest
Figure 8: Vo Jessica,, via Youtube
1 Comment. Leave new
Great work on this project! It’s unfortunate that the initial plan didn’t work out, but you did an excellent job pivoting. Are the bottoms of the pants hemmed? If not, do you have any concerns about the denim fraying?