Opposite Upcycle Aesthetic – Minimalism

For my upcycle project, the aesthetic I am applying to my design is French Gothic, specifically the aesthetic of stained glass windows often seen in cathedrals of the French Gothic style. This aesthetic can be characterized by the use of vibrant colors, specifically tones of blue, red , green, as well as transparent glass. These colors are then used to create complex patterns, usually made out of repeating geometric shapes, such as quatrefoils, triangles, and diamonds. Thus, an opposite aesthetic would use muted colors, abstract shapes, and a more minimalist design. Based upon these guidelines, I believe that there is a myriad of aesthetics that would be opposite to the French gothic aesthetic. Traditionally, Romanesque architecture is seen as the opposite to French gothic. This aesthetic can be characterized by the use of rounded shapes, limited light penetration, and less intricate detail than that seen in French gothic architecture. However, for this post, I am choosing to focus on the minimalist aesthetic, as I believe it is most closely the opposite of the style I am aiming for.

[1] French Gothic Architecture example from the abbey of Saint-Denis Paris. With a large number of large windows, allowing plenty of light, and intricate carvings and shapes instilled in every aspect of the room.
[2] An example of Romanesque Architecture, taken from the Saint-Sernin Nave of Saint-Sernin in Toulouse, France. This room has much less natural light, and the room is much simpler, with far less details and more rounded arches.

The lack of detail and color are staples of the minimalist aesthetic. Pieces in this style will appear relatively simple, with solid muted colors, and sometimes basic patterns. I would argue that this is the opposite of the aesthetic of stained glass, which are colorful, overly intricate, and riddled with complex patterns.

If I were to use this aesthetic for my project, it would change the outcome tremendously. For my project I am attempting to mimic stained glass windows by using old broken glass to create a dome/shade to fit over a light source, in theory projecting a pattern filled with colors into the surrounding room. Applying the minimalist aesthetic to this project would likely result in me not using most of my materials. I believe that this project in that aesthetic would use one, maybe two, colors. I would also use muted colors such as clear, cloudy, or an earthy brown. Instead of creating a mosaic pattern, I think I would instead use two of these colors to create a two tone light cover.

[3] This is an example of the style of light fixture I aim to emulate. This specific light fixture is made by Meyda Lighting and is called the Wide Fleur-de-lis Flushmount.
[4] Here is a picture of a minimalist light fixture, similar to what my project would look like with this aesthetic. With a single muted color and no patterns. This piece is by Homary and called Modern Minimalist Glass 1-Light Bowl Shape Pendant Light in Amber Colour.

While I think that this project could be interesting if done in the minimalist style, I think the functionality of the French Gothic aesthetic lends itself to this idea much better. While both of these styles would result in a good light piece to fit in their respective aesthetic, I am hoping to play with the projection of colored light, which is much more akin to the French Gothic aesthetic.




Says:, Oko, et al. “The Curse of the Minimalist Aesthetic.” The Minimalist Vegan, 1 Oct. 2024, theminimalistvegan.com/curse-minimalist-aesthetic/.


Anne, Mary. “9 Great French Gothic Cathedrals.” Mary Anne’s France, 23 Feb. 2023, maryannesfrance.com/things-to-do/attractions/cathedrals-religious-sites/9-great-french-gothic-cathedrals/.


“Romanesque Architecture.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 11 Jan. 2025, www.britannica.com/art/Romanesque-architecture.


“Fleur-de-Lis Lighting Designs.” Meyda Lighting – Custom Made Lighting Manufactured in The USA, www.meyda.com/productresults.aspx?family=Fleur-de-lis. Accessed 14 Feb. 2025.


“Modern Minimalist Glass 1-Light Bowl Shape Pendant Light in Amber Colour: Homary UK.” Homary, uk.homary.com/item/modern-minimalist-glass-1light-bowl-shape-pendant-light-in-amber-color-44508.html. Accessed 14 Feb. 2025.


Wiki, Contributors to Aesthetics. “Minimalism.” Aesthetics Wiki, Fandom, Inc., aesthetics.fandom.com/wiki/Minimalism. Accessed 14 Feb. 2025.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • This was great to read and I completely agree that the minimalism aesthetic is the opposite to the French Gothic aesthetic. Something that I was wondering was how do you think you can follow the minimalist aesthetic while incorporating as many features as possible with the lamp cover? What features are most important?

    • Grant Thompson
      February 21, 2025 5:36 pm

      I think I could keep many of the same features of the lamp cover, however to a more ‘minimal’ degree. Instead of choosing a bunch of different colors I could possible just choose one, which would still change the feeling of the light source. This would also lend itself to the minimalist style through the lack of clutter or patterns in the design.

  • I think that you hit the nail on the head with minimalism being the opposite of your gothic aesthetic. I agree with you that it would upend your project, but I think that it would be interesting to see gothic inspired minimalism in a similar light to the example lamp you gave!

    • Grant Thompson
      February 21, 2025 5:38 pm

      I think that could be interesting, maybe combining the one aspect of French Gothic style, such as the quatrefoils or spires, with the minimalist style to blend the too. I think that this could be a super interesting juxtaposition of ornateness with simplicity that would be a tough but rewarding balancing act.

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