Pod Facilitator Responsibilities
- Call for volunteer Critique Facilitators. If nobody volunteers, just assign one. Let me and the Tas know who.
- Set the presentation schedule, 3 per day. Call for volunteers, and make assignments if you don’t get enough volunteers. Negotiate between pod members as needed. Your word is final. Use Slack for transparent communications.
- Host the pod’s Zoom room. Publish zoom link in Slack and Google sheet ASAP each day.
- Write who presents, who facilitates and who attends in the Google sheet. This is important, folks won’t get credit if you don’t do this.
- Request a room ASAP if your pod wants to present in-person.
Critique Facilitator Responsibilities, one per day (Everybody is expected to do this at least once)
- Be a backup to host the pod’s Zoom room if the Pod Facilitator has failed. Publish link in Slack and Google sheet ASAP.
- Read the FACILITATOR section in the Presentation Critiques post
- Remind everybody to have their cameras on. It’s awful to present to blank boxes.
- Call for the feedback stages. “Who has statements of meaning” etc. Please keep to the structure of the four stages: statements of meaning, questions from the artist, neutral questions from the audience, permissioned opinions.
- Help respondents rephrase neutral questions, and actually ask for permission during the opinions stage.
- Encourage discussion by contributing your views and soliciting input from everybody.
- Don’t waste time if nobody has more to say; keep the session moving.
- Keep the critiques on schedule: Presenters talk for 7 minutes, then take 8 minutes for critique, then one minute for the next speaker to get set up while others are typing comments.
- If discussions go long, suggest moving the discussion to Slack.
- Remind presenters ask for recording if they want one.
- Do not present your work on the day you are facilitating.