Aesthetics Exploration: Western

Manifest Destiny and the Western expansion of the United States was a movement that began in the mid-1800s. Because of this movement, mass groups settled on the American Frontier. This movement also created the Wild West and a popular Western aesthetic today. A famous painting by John Gast shows Western aesthetics at the beginning of its development and popularization.

Picture 1: American Progress by John Gast

The Western aesthetic is primarily concerned with old Western culture and cowboys. The attire worn during this period was often handmade, using natural materials and earth tones. The cowboy attire significantly shaped and made the Western aesthetic more popular. These outfits were heavily inspired by another group of herders.

Picture 2: Mexican Vaqueros taken by William F. Cody

Mexican Vaqueros educated cowboys on effective cow herding techniques and inspired cowboy outfits that contribute to Western aesthetics. There are some apparent similarities between hats worn and the natural fabrics used. People of the time made cowboy hats with wide brims to protect against the sun. Spurs on cowboy boots were necessary to ride horses effectively.

Photo 3: Taken by Erik Mischke

Dessert landscapes, cacti, and sunsets are often associated with the Western aesthetic. These desert and arid climates were popular on the American frontier, where cowboys initially settled. Tumbleweeds are also commonly associated with this aesthetic. Western films often show tumbleweeds during duels and other scenes. Horses and cattle are also included when depicting the aesthetic because they were significant to a cowboy’s job and life.

Picture 4: Replica of Butch Cassidy wanted poster by Historical Documents Co.

The Old West was a lawless place with rampant crimes. Because of this, lawlessness and vigilantism are a considerable part of the Western aesthetic. Media that depicts the Western aesthetic show duels and the iconic revolver (six-shot pistol) to exemplify the lawlessness of the time. Wanted posters (as shown in picture 4) are another popular facet of the Western aesthetic due to the large amount of crime. There were prevalent issues with outlaws and gangs such as Butch Cassidy’s wild bunch or the Cochise County Cowboys, which made a connection between the Old West and gun-slinging cowboys.

The media heavily popularized this aesthetic. Countless movies, books, video games, and shows portray the Western aesthetic. Given that the Wild West and cowboys have died out, these are the main influences on the aesthetic today.

Picture 5: An Advertisement for RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2) is a acclaimed video game released in 2019. Rockstar Games, a popular video game studio, created RDR2 and other popular titles such as the Grand Theft Auto Series and Max Payne. RDR2 was staged between 1890 and 1910, during the tail end of the Wild West, and heavily portrayed the Western aesthetic. Players control a cowboy/bandit, traversing through the Wild Wests deserts and participating in stereotypical Western activities like duels, hold-ups, and cow-herding. You can also see the aesthetic by looking at the advertisement (picture 5), which highlights cowboy-like figures, with the sunset in the background staged on a desert.






Featured:, Darrel Gullin, 2015

Picture 1:, John Gast, 1872

Picture 2:, William Cody, 1900

Picture 3:, Eric Mischke, November 21, 2021

Picture 4:, Historical Documents Co, n.d.

Picture 5: A, Rockstar Games, 2017

Sources: Editors. (Nov, 2019). Manifest Destiny. History. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from

Aesthetics Wiki Contributors. (n.d.). Western. Aesthetics Wiki. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from

Williams, A. (2022, October 31). When does Red Dead Redemption take place? The Gamer. Retrieved January 22, 2025, from

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