Joshua Beijer


This semester I undertook two main projects:

Naturalist Hangboard :

The goal of this project was to upcycle something we could get for free. I chose to turn an aspen log from my parent’s house into a practical and charming hangboard. I learned a multitude of woodshop techniques and gained an appreciation for the naturalist aesthetic.

Visit these links for more information on the fabrication and thought process behind this project.

Naturalist Hangboard

Opposite Upcycle Aesthetic

Upcycling Project Progress

Upcycling Aesthetic: Natural Wood

Aesthetics Exploration: Naturalist Wood

Mid-Century Modern Memento Mori Spinner:

The goal of this project was to create something dynamic. I chose to create something I could keep on my desk that would remind me of both my mortality and the goodness of life. Through this process, I learned about laser cutter tolerance and gained an appreciation for the blending of aesthetics.

Visit these links for more information on the fabrication and thought process behind this project.

Mid-Century Modern Memento Mori Spinner

Mid-Century Modern Momento Mori Spinner: Fabrication


Top 5 Specifications, Top 5 Constraints

Design Preview Report

Main Project Aesthetics: Plans and Alternatives

Main Project Plans and Inspirations