Car Camping Table Progress

For my final project I decided to build a camping table for my car that I could fold up and put in the trunk. I wanted it because I camp a considerable amount in the summer, and have always wanted a table to use that is compact and able to be stored in the back of my car. I picked a design out of one of the options I laid out in my Design Preview Report, opting to go for the table that folds in half without any turns:

My next step after this was to purchase materials, so I went to Home Depot and picked up wood to build the table with. I bought cedar fence posts for the table tops, and had them cut down along with several pieces of 1×2 and 2×2 common wood boards so I could start on the table. I also bought hinges so I could create the bend, and decided to use nails to put the wood together, both to match my aesthetic and since I had a lot of left over nails.

With all my materials acquired, I started putting my table together. I started by building a frame out of the common boards:

There is part of the frame lined up with the top boards so I could make sure it was built correctly. I pre-drilled holes for the nails to go into, to avoid splitting the wood. After that I attached the hinges to the bottom of the frame and started putting the table tops on.

They attached pretty well, but I am considering adding a cross board in the middle to make them more stable, I just need to make sure the legs will still be able to fit in the table folded up.

That is all the progress I got so far, and I have a good amount to do still to get it finished in time for the deadline. I hope that the rest of the work is straightforward but I can already anticipate issues with the strength of the hinges connecting the table together. I think I can get away with finishing in only a day or two more of work.

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