Hailey Usher – Portfolio

Blog Post 13

Hailey Usher – Portfolio



Hi! Let’s take a walk down memory lane this semester. For this class, I completed two projects that each taught me a lot about adhering to an aesthetic and a set timeline for myself. 

Upcycle Project – Wall Art

I started off the semester strong with my first project: a layered wall art constructed entirely out of upcycled wooden planks. 

My inspiration for this project comes from minimalist, rustic design. I first laid out the bird shape in Illustrator, then used a laser cutter to make my wood cuts.

I also added a backlighting element to my piece by placing LED light strips behind the bird.

Here’s my final piece: 

Also, here’s the blog post link with more information detailed. 

Final Project – Midnights Booklet 

Going into my final project for this class, I decided to challenge my graphic design skills by creating a booklet inspired by Taylor Swift’s 10th studio album: Midnights

The booklet, created in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, follows the 13 tracks within the album, each displayed per one page. Aesthetics-wise, I chose Duotone Minimalism; this was a choice that challenged me as a designer by limiting my ability to play with color and graphics. 

Here’s my final piece: 

Also, here’s the blog post link with more information detailed. 

Semester Reflection 

Overall, I’m proud of my efforts in this class. I set and achieved my timeline goals and created two final products that I’m proud of.  

Looking back, some challenges I faced were as follows: 

  • Following the aesthetic “rules” I set for myself
  • Adhering to the deadlines for the two projects
  • Learning the new skills that the projects require (woodworking, Photoshop/Illustrator workflow, etc.)

Looking back, I’ve grown so much as a creative and designer throughout this semester. I’m excited to take my learnings into the coming year, where I’ll be tackling my CTD Capstone project!

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Final Project: Part 2 – Brutalist Lamp

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