Abigail Angwin’s Aesthetic in Design Portfolio

This semester I worked on two projects, a trumpet lamp and a stunt kite.

Trumpet Lamp

The only requirement for this project was that it use mostly upcycled materials. I used a trumpet that was donated to me by Rocky Mountain Music Repair because it was deemed beyond repair. The lighting portion I did buy new, however I used scrap wood and fabric for the base. Since this class was focused on choosing an aesthetic for each project I was trying to go for a lamp that would fit into an Irish Pub aesthetic.

Trumpet Lamp made by Abigail Angwin


Stunt Kite

The bigger project I worked on this semester was to sew a dual line, parafoil stunt kite. The aesthetic I was trying to follow was Pop Art and I did so by using bright colors in a bold pattern. I had never completed such a large sewing project and was happy with the outcomes for my first attempt!

Flying my stunt kite!
Stunt kite with sewing finished
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