Fountain Birdbath Report: Part 1

When thinking about what I wanted to create for my final project artifact, I was significantly inspired by both the cottagecore aesthetic and by making a gift for my grandparents to enjoy at their mountain-cabin home. Previous posts of mine describe the environment of this cabin in detail, as well as the cottagecore aesthetic itself. Currently, my grandparents do not have a birdbath for their stunning gardens and outdoor spaces, even though they love to feed hummingbirds and watch the wildlife that passes by. Thus, I decided to create a fountain birdbath made out of concrete. I decided on a concrete material because I loved the following  image by Fountainful [1], where I feel like the cottagecore aesthetic is furthered dramatically by the  birdbath. The other images are from my grandparent’s cabin, highlighting the cottagecore environment I want my birdbath to further.


Something about the concrete gives these birdbaths timeless and elegant qualities, as if they have been inherently a part of the garden spaces for years and years. Regarding the fountain aspect, I wanted this water to be the dynamic portion of the project. Gentle water sounds and movement are both very comforting to hear and watch, so I figured this would add to the aesthetic well. 

My original designs for this project are below. I planned to use decorative copper wires to enhance the birdbath, but I decided that this may distract from the birdbath’s aesthetic now that it is completed. I also had planned to use a solar-powered fountain secured to the base of the birdbath bowl, but quickly discovered an alternative option that I liked more. I will discuss more about these alterations in next week’s post!

Regarding the overall shape of the birdbath, I knew it would change once I found the materials that would form the castings to pour the concrete mixture into. After finding a water pump to use, and finding the assortment of plastic pots and saucers to create the concrete casts, I modified the design. The following image is my final design:

I will go further into depth regarding my fabrication process next week, including making the casts and my experience with using concrete. For now, the images below are the end creation. I love how it turned out! I think the worn concrete look actually serves the cottagecore aesthetic extremely well, along with the overall shape of birdbath. The base curves and the two tiers of the bowl region are elegant. I love the way the water moves, gently spraying out of the top and falling from one tier to another.




  1. Fountainful, 2024,
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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hi Sarah, your final project looks awesome and I think you nailed the cottage core aesthetic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a birdbath with a dynamic fountain component as you have done, so awesome idea and good creativity! I like how you documented the progress from concept drawings to the final result. The final product looks very close to the drawings. Have you seen any birds using your product yet? Great job with the project!

  • Sierra Greeley
    April 26, 2024 3:40 pm

    Hello Sarah
    I think your project turned out amazing! It genuinely looks like a bird bath that I could buy in a store. How do you think it will do over time outside? Overall, I think you really nailed this project! Such a cool idea and amazing execution.


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