Post 10 – Game Board Progress

So far for this project, I have not made enough progress for it to be recognizable. I started by looking for spare wood that had a nice grain and thickness. At the wood shop that I work in, I have had ample opportunity to collect potential materials. I ended up taking a couple spare 6ish inch sections of an anonymous 2×4.

To transform these into games, I took them to the band saw to cut the thickness of the board in half. This notably leaves the resulting halves uneven and rugged. I thought it was best to rectify this until after I piece the halves back together to make a wider thinner board than what I started with.

To do this I used a jointer to cut the sides that will make contact with one another. This way, the sides to be glued have full surface area to make contact and bond. It also ensures that the final glued piece will have a squared seam. Once the pieces were squared, I got some paper, wood glue, and brush. I glued them together and ensured a good joints with clamps and avoided warping by placing weight on top.

Letting the glue set a day, the board was ready to shape. To begin, I sent the boards through the planar until both sides were even. I was mindful to not plane the board too thin as I plan to use a quarter inch router bit to finish the edges. I have attached a photo below of the planed boards.

That is all my progress so far. Much to do!

3 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Post 10 – Game Board Progress […]

  • Hey Riley,
    It’s great to hear about your progress on the woodworking project, even if you feel you haven’t made significant strides yet. Working with wood, especially when repurposing scrap pieces, often requires the kind of meticulous preparation and care you’ve described. Splitting the wood to create a wider, thinner board and then ensuring a perfect alignment and bond when gluing speaks to your dedication to craftsmanship.

    It sounds like you are taking the right steps by using a jointer to prepare the edges for gluing, which is crucial for a strong, warp-free bond. The use of clamps and weights to avoid warping during the gluing process also shows your understanding of how to handle the natural properties of wood.
    Good luck moving forward!

  • John Bileschi
    April 22, 2024 1:14 pm

    Hello Riley, it really sounds like you know what your doing in the woodshop. Although you may not have made as much progress as you wanted, I think your on the right track to making a really cool gameboard.

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