Post 10: Final Design Updates, Max Palish

Project Reminder: 

My final project will be a simplistic, low profile wooden light fixture taking inspiration from the minimalist aesthetic. It will be constructed from a hallowed out 2×4 plank of wood, a 3/8th acrylic sheet and warm LED strip lights. The dynamic component of this project will be from the LED’s ability to change shades, so as the light is on it will periodically cast out different shades of warm light. 

Purchasing Progress:

As of now, I have all the raw components to complete this project. I purchased both the warm LED strip and clouded acrylic plastic sheet off of amazon and picked up a nice 2×4 from the local Home Depot. While I believe all necessary tools will be provided in the Idea Forge on campus, I may have to purchase any specialty ones that arise as I being fabrication.

Purchased LEDs

Design Updates:

After picking out my 2×4 wood, I realized my design would be impossible to fabricated. Due to its length, the wiring through hole along the 2×4 would require an impossible long drill bit. Because of this, I have decided to make my piece modular with each of the three lighting “windows” being their own portion which will then be secured together after the fact. Also, for the light slot cutouts, I have decided to replace the slots to go all the way through. I will then take the negative material, cut it in half and place it back into the main body of my project. This will achieve the same function as my original design but yet again simplify manufacturing.

Original CAD Design


Moving Forward:

As of next week I intend to begin cutting my 2×4 into sections and cutting the slots out of them. Next I will drill the wiring holes in each and cut the battery slot/door into one of them. After this, I will sand and stain each piece of wood to give it a finished feel and look. Finally I will cut the acrylic and place it into the slotted cutout after placing the LED strip inside. With my remaining time, I will test my final product and decide on how it will mount to a wall safely and without damaging the surface of the wall.


4 Comments. Leave new

  • Glad you were able to figure out that the original design wasn’t going to work, and nice job figuring out a way to change it. Is the wood going to be coated with anything? Are you using just a normal 2×4 or are you going to get a nicer piece of finished wood?

    • Hi Alex, I was planning to use a regular 2×4 and then coat it in a darker stain. That being said, I ended up scrapping the wood plan after messing is up and I am not printing the body.

  • Brandon Phillips
    April 14, 2024 10:37 pm

    Hey Max, seems like this project is going along very well. How are you planning to cut out the light slots on the 2×4? How will you connect the sections after finishing them, are you planning on using a glue or screws, or another way?

    • Hi Brandon I was planning to use a CNC router to cut the light slots and then use wood glue to connect the different pieces. That being said I have pivoted to printed the main body so the cut outs are quite straight forward and I am using super glue to connect.

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