
For my project I will be creating a dynamic art piece for my parent’s new house. In their bedroom there is currently a hole in the wall that is an entrance to an unfinished loft. My mom has requested that I create a door to cover the opening that includes an art piece. This will make the room look much more finished and will add an artistic element to the space. It is therefore extremely important that the piece is aesthetically pleasing because who wants an ugly decoration in their bedroom!? Although I suppose anything is better than the gaping hole that is there currently.

My parents bedroom during construction featuring the loft door of intrest


Aesthetic and Alternative Considerations

The aesthetic for this piece will be naturecore. I am trying to capture the serene feeling of trees reflected in a lake with towering snowy peaks in the background. It is also important to the customer (my mom) that the color scheme of the piece goes well with the rest of the house. The color scheme primarily consists of blues and grays. In order to be consistent with this I plan to paint the backboard blue, trees black, and mountains white. Black and white conveniently go with anything and match the colors that would exist in nature for the two elements. The black reflected trees will give the illusion of a silhouette at dusk and the white mountains will appear to be covered in snow. The whole scene will not only match the existing house color scheme but also highlight the naturecore aesthetic.

An alternate/opposite aesthetic would be a dark and gloomy scene or perhaps a disturbing image. Words to describe this type of aesthetic include decay,  This would elicit brooding and contemplative emotions rather than the peaceful and calming scene I am currently planning to create. It is possible to laser-cut nearly any geometry that can be created on a 2D surface. This means it would be possible to create all kinds of death related imagery as easily as mountains and trees. The possibilities are truly endless and the beauty of the laser cutter as a means of production is that it is so versatile and can create anything that I convert to a dxf file.

An example of a dark aesthetic. Arnold Böcklin, Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle, detail, 1872. [1]

Perhaps a more realistic alternative is to keep the same nature-based image but create a sunset aesthetic using bright, vibrant colors rather than the colder blue I am currently planning to use. This could provide a pleasant contrast to the rest of the house and add some light to the bedroom.

Etsy post featuring the nature-core aesthetic. [2]

Function and Form

The function of the piece is relatively simple. The hinges will allow the door to swing open and closed. This also satisfies the dynamic element requirement of the project because the art scene will also have a moving component. The only tricky part will be aligning the hinges and ensuring that the stoppers prevent the door from slamming into the wall while also remaining coplanar with the wall in the closed position.

The primary emphasis of the project will be on the forms and colors of the nature scene on the front side of the door.



[1] Arnold Böcklin, Self-Portrait with Death Playing the Fiddle, detail, 1872. Oil on canvas. Nationalgalerie der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin.

[2] “Mountain and Forest Metal Wall Art, Hill and Trees Metal Wall Decor, Lake House Decor, Modern Home Interior Design, Gift for Farmhouse.” Etsy, Accessed 18 Mar. 2024.

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Plans and Drawings – Western Fashion Aesthetic

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Cole Metcalf
    May 8, 2024 12:01 pm

    Hi Collin,

    I liked the rustic “Rembrandt painting” look that could work for your project what other artistic style do you think could work in a space like this?

  • Travis Mulford
    May 8, 2024 11:01 am

    Hi Collin,
    I think this is a really interesting opposite aesthetic for your nature aesthetic project. My question is, do you plan drawing/making your own nature design to be lasercut, or using preexisting designs? Would you modify these preexisting designs in any way?


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