For my project, I am thinking of creating foot petals that will control the sink. These foot petals will have the ability to increase or decrease the water output, and also control the temperature of the water. This project idea stems from wanting to control the water, even when both hands are already occupied, like when I’m cleaning dishes. Although the concept of a foot petal to control a sink is not new, I think a newer, more useful design would be very beneficial for water conservation efforts, as a person could control the water output at all times, even when their hands are busy.

I will present two design aesthetics below, but the underlying design will be the same between the two designs. There will be a petal, which is spring loaded to always return to the off position. A user can step into the box, and push the front of the petal down to increase the water pressure. A button on the left side can be pressed to lock the petal into place, if the user wants the pressure to remain at a constant level. I think I will add a button to the right side, which will unlock the petal and allow the pressure to be changed once more. To change the temperature, I have thought of a few design choices, such as a sweeping petal where you can move your foot to the left or right to make the water hotter or colder, respectively, but I think the simplest design choice would be to create another petal for the other foot, and that petal would just control the temperature. I will continue considering other design choices in the coming weeks.

The initial design aesthetic I had in mind was a cottage aesthetic, where the design would be made out of wood and have sharp corners. I think the petal would ideally be inserted into the floor itself, but since I do not plan to pay for the cost of damaging my current apartment, I believe an elevated petal will have to do instead. The wood used to make this design would be walnut, or a similarly colored wood, to reflect the woody feel of a cottage home.

The other aesthetic I was considering was an organic aesthetic. For this aesthetic choice, I would craft the petal into the shape of a foot. For the material, I would likely create the petal either out of wood as well, although I would probably choose a lighter colored wood to reflect the lively feel of the organic aesthetic, or out of plaster. I believe I could create a rougher, more organic look out of plaster, which would fit the aesthetic really well. This design choice would introduce some complications, as creating the petal to be shaped like a foot could be rather difficult. For that reason, I am currently planning on going with the first aesthetic, but I will keep this aesthetic choice in mind as I delve farther into the design process.


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Main Project Aesthetics – Plans and Alternatives

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Efrosini Krokos
    May 7, 2024 7:52 pm

    I really like the aesthetic you are going for with your pedal. Since it would have to be elevated, how would a dynamic organic pedal base look like?

  • Peter Arnold
    March 17, 2024 4:04 pm

    Dylan, cool post! I particularly liked the visuals you included! I am a big fan of clean wood centered aesthetics personally. One thing I am curious about is how you will plan the design and assembly of your project?


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