Upcycle Progress: Clase Azul Repurposed

Hello everyone,

I’m still on track to upcycle a Clase Azul bottle for my project. Unfortunately, I haven’t made much progress, but I’ll fill you in on the latest developments. I encountered some unexpected hurdles in acquiring a suitable bottle. Despite scouring Facebook marketplace, I’ve faced challenges in arranging meetups with sellers. As is often the case with online transactions, responsiveness has been an issue.

Clase Azul Reposado Tequila 750ml

Nevertheless, I’m pleased to report that I managed to secure a bottle from a seller just yesterday. Seeing the bottle in person reaffirms its elegance and allure. It’s no wonder why people are drawn to these bottles beyond their tequila content. They exude an undeniable artistic flair, and I’m excited to repurpose this one into a captivating piece.

Up-cycled Tequila Bottle (Clase Azul – Reposado) – DrinkWicks

In a delightful twist, after sharing my project plans with my girlfriend, she expressed interest in having one of these bottles for herself. With Valentine’s Day and her birthday approaching, I’m contemplating shifting gears slightly. Instead of crafting cups, I’m considering transforming this bottle into a vase as a special gift for her.

I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my progress as I embark on the process of cutting and reshaping the bottle into a beautiful vase. Stay tuned for more updates!


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7 Comments. Leave new

  • Rod Lesnick
    May 28, 2024 8:15 am

    As a Newbie, I am constantly searching online for articles that can benefit me. Thank you


  • Daryl Elbert
    April 2, 2024 1:18 pm

    I have about 6 empty bottles for sale if you need any.

  • Hello Nick, good to here of your success in acquiring a supplier for the bottle. I know those can be tough to get your hands on. I really like the idea of making a vase for your girlfriend. I will join Jarod in helping you empty these bottles if you decide to get a full one!

    • Hi there! Thanks for the support and encouragement. I’m really excited about the prospect of upcycling these Clase Azul bottles into something special

  • Hi Nick, I really like the progress that you have made on this project. I am excited to see where this takes you. If you do need help emptying these bottles for use I can help you in my free time. Keep up the good work!

    • Hey, thanks so much for the kind words and support! It means a lot to have friends like you cheering me on. I’ll definitely keep you posted on how the project is coming along, and if you offer to get me a bottle I might just take you up on that offer to help empty the bottles when the time comes.

    • Hi Jarod, we have the same last name. You’re the fifth person that i seen online with that last name.


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