Upcycling Project Progress — Denim Bucket Hat

I have made no progress thus far (I am all for procrastination apparently). I have signed up for the sewing workshops at the Idea Forge since I have no experience with a sewing machine. I have hand-stitched a wee bit for shoddy arts and crafts with my friends although. I embroidered a goofy-looking flower on one of the legs of a pair of jeans. The workshop takes place tomorrow. I have sourced my jeans. I ensured that they were jeans that I would not regret tampering with by checking if they were high-brand or not. One of them is Vigoss and the other is Jolt. Seemed pretty fast fashion to me after quick Google searches. I was planning to do a hybrid wash hat but I don’t think those colour mesh well together. I will cut some test strips to treat them with different levels of bleaching. If they don’t look well, I will just be using bluer jeans (they look better with my hair colour). The picture below makes the colours a bit warmer. The grey-looking jeans are like a dusty blue (like the sky on a stormy afternoon). The blue jeans seem very unnaturally blue (blue n.1 moment). If the bleach happens to look good, I will have to cut squares out of the jeans and make a fabric myself (like patches). This will include lots of stitching and will make the process a lot longer. But I will look quite spiffy either way.

[1] My old skinny jeans

I have gotten a pattern to use, although it is for one with reversibility. Denim is a pretty tough and bulky material, so I don’t anticipate using two different layers. It just means I will have to make some modifications. Additionally, I am not fond of the idea of using pockets or zipper parts. It would be pretty wild to use the zipper as a design choice. Swappable brims?? I could also put the zipper down the middle so the halves can be swappable (which would even be cooler if they had different washes….) The pockets could be pretty functional though. But that’s if I am feeling ambitious (I probably will not be).

[2] Pattern I plan to use (It’s free!)

If I just use one of the jeans, I’ll have to spice it up with some designs. I am a pretty big fan of Snoopy. I don’t expect myself to become an embroidery Wizz within the next week, so maybe I could find a snoopy patch to put on it or just paint or marker made for fabrics. The thing that I am most worried about if I go with this route is if the skinny jeans are too skinny. The pattern calls from a sheet of fabric, but my head is pretty small–so hopefully it’s small enough.


Amazon.com: S-K Designs - Snoopy Holding Woodstock Car Stickers and Decals, Cute Car Decal, Funny Stickers for Cars, Truck, Van, Laptop, and Window- Black- 5.5 inches - Made in USA : Automotive

[3] Swagged out Snoopy design that may or may not end up on the hat

[1] I took this picture.

[2] https://shop.applegreencottage.com/b/bucket-hat-pattern

[3] https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FSnoopy-Holding-Woodstock-Sticker-Laptop%2Fdp%2FB08KHX1QR7&psig=AOvVaw377GJI1wL09WhRXHv4f9AR&ust=1707430925250000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBUQjhxqFwoTCPDKgYSimoQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey, I love the idea, Sewing can be a hard thing to learn I recommend looking up YouTube videos and just trial and error. It’s one of those things that the more you do it the better you get and the easier it gets. for cheap fabric, I also recommend going to the goodwill bins.

  • I hope you have enough material for your pattern! I bet you could make a really small denim bucket hat to fit on snoopy stuffed animal if need! Good luck.


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