Design Preview Specs

Not much has changes in terms of the layout of the front panel, but the back panel slightly changed to fit all of the connectors that will be feeding the device. There will now be two XLR connectors in the back next to the power input.

The main Aesthetic is still the swiss mechanical watch aesthetic, and the piece will high light this with the use of a Cote de Genève finish on the front panels. This finish adds depth to the metal and looks really high end and luxurious if done right. The edges will have chamfers on them to break the sharp edges as well as add a clean boarder to the panel.


I will buy the material from metal supermarket down in golden and will be making two panels out of it. The aluminum will be 30 inches of 5/8″x3.0″ bar stock. This will allow for the bar to be cut in half and faced down while leaving enough material to make the front panel thick and sturdy looking.

The machining step will begin with facing down the sides to close to the final dimensions for the front plane, and down to the final dimension for each of the four sides. Then holes will be added for the power button and knobs and threads for fastening the front plate on to the rest of the case. There are also some small tapped holes that will go on the back of the panel that some components will attach to such as potentiometers and button housings.

Right now, the parts for the inside of the case are coming in or have arrived. The circuits will have to be mocked up and fit into the case to check that nothing interferes. Both physically as well as electrically because there can be a lot of noise in the output if the power supply is too close to things.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Ankit Karkhanis
    April 28, 2023 5:10 pm

    Hi Cameron,
    The Aesthetic choice for your project is simply awesome. I am eager to see your final product. How do you plant to isolate all the circuitry from the metal frame?

  • Hannah Matthews
    April 9, 2023 9:34 pm

    I am very excited to see the final product. I like the swiss mechanical watch aesthetic. Do you have a deep interest in circuitry?

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