Upcycle vs Design

I have a lot of ideas for my project so coming up with specs and constraints has been very easy.


  1. Once the device is built I want it to be fully set up. I want the device to alway be on and constantly be changing photos throughout the day. I like this idea because my laptop does something similar already. 
  2. I want my blender animations to be infinitely looping, this is similar to the DVD logo I would see on my TV as a kid. The reason I want this is so I can get lost in what is displayed.
  3. I want the frame to be very slim, this is so I can place this on a wall and it wont stick out too much. The point of this project is so that I can hang the picture frame on the wall rather than have it be on a desk.
  4. I would like to use a unique frame that brings some pop and uniqueness to the project. This project is something that I am making custom, so I want it to be one of a kind.
  5. I want to be able to store a lot of images and videos on the device natively. This is so that all I have to do to display different folders is make a simple change and forget about it.


  1. The size of the monitor is the largest constraint, this will determine what kinds of frames I use and where the piece will be on my wall.
  2. The kind of frame I can get will also be a constraint. This is because I am planning on thrifting a painting and taking the frame, so there is not always going to be the frame I want to use that is available. This adds a luck based aspect to the project.
  3. I am not very confident in my electronics skills, so coding a raspberry pi is going to be a challenge.
  4. I have also never used blender before, so another constraint will be my ability to create high quality renders like I’m imagining.
  5. The last constraint will be the time I have to complete this project. I have a very busy semester and i’m not sure If I will have the time I need to complete it on time.

Overall I am very excited for this project and have many options in mind.


[1] ‘Samsung Frame TV’, Amy Skorheim, https://www.engadget.com/samsung-the-frame-tv-irl-153546368.html


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hayden Moll
    April 2, 2023 8:41 pm

    Hey Luke, I really like the creativity and options around your idea. You have the flexibility for any aesthetic of the frame and any blender design for the animation. As this idea and project have many freedoms, it could be hard to narrow down some things. Hopefully, you can get it done in time, excited to see the final project!

  • Cameron Sprenger
    April 2, 2023 7:25 pm

    I think it’s good that you added time as a constraint because I certainly forgot to add that when making my list. I think some people might put off their project until later and find it more work than originally anticipated. I really hope you finish this project early and hope it comes out looking like you imagined.

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