Post 6: Main Project & Personal Aesthetic

In relation to having a personal aesthetic, I would say it depends on the day. Some days I appreciate very muted tones and others I like bold and exotic patterns. For example, I bought a couch last year, it was red with white polka dots. I recently purchased a couch cover that is black and white with geometric shapes all over it. So again, it depends. Overall though, I’d say I gravitate towards a very modern or clean aesthetic. You could say organized chaos.

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of my aesthetic and this idea of organized chaos is the arrangement of objects and things. I have been wanting to create a step for my cat off of my loft but have not done so due to time and just the overall organization of objects on my wall. As well as finding a step that fits the aesthetic of the rest of my apartment. So this is a great opportunity to come up with some ideas. This not only can play into my aesthetic but also my cat’s, which is arguably more important.

Below are some examples of the type of steps I am talking about and would like to create/implement into my apartment.