Designer You Admire – DIY Perks// Heider Iacometti

DIY Perks is a YouTube channel that is run by a guy named Matt. As you may be able to guess, he designs things that can be done at anyone’s home, for the most part. He primarily focuses on gadgets and technology. To show exactly why I admire him, here is a video of one of his desktop PC builds:

Now if you can’t see a PC in the thumbnail, that’s because it’s quite literally built into the table. He created a table with room, and pathing for a desktop to fully function which meant that the only thing giving away the fact that there’s a computer is is monitor that goes on the desk. That is until Matt created this video…

Yup, so now the monitor is completely hidden. It’s just an ordinary desk. Jokes aside, Matt does a lot of creative work that I find fascinating, and one of the cool parts is that he shows the viewers how to do it at the same time. As a staple of DIY projects, they also tend to be cheap. One of his videos, which I will link below, is for a microphone. This microphone is relatively cheap, I think it was ~$30, however it has the quality of a $500 microphone since it had the same audio capsule.

What’s also admirable about Matt is that he likes his high quality DIY builds, so he does a lot of 3D printing. In normal DIY videos, you don’t see much rapid prototyping due to the fact that viewers won’t have as easy access, or the required skills, to softwares such as SolidWorks, so they wouldn’t be able to do much. Matt avoids this limitation by allowing his viewers to download his CAD packages, which are exceptionally valuable in projects that use a lot of CAD, such as the following.

And finally, if none of his other features are enough to admire Matt, you at least can appreciate that accent of his.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Abhishek Raut
    April 26, 2023 8:23 am

    Hi Heider
    Being a DIY enthusiast myself, I have been following Matt and the DIYperks channel for like 5 years now.
    Matt stands out in the DIY space due to his approach at making complex yet sophisticated products and he even gives a huge thought towards the aesthetics of the projects he creates. I remember him using brass, aluminum and other materials to give a distinct look to his final products.
    I had also tried making some of his initial ideas which seemed doable for me.
    Matt’s expertise and unique approach to building is sure to inspire many viewers to take on new projects of their own.

  • Reed Beidleman
    March 5, 2023 7:09 pm

    DIY Perks is one of my favorite youtube channels! I am always fascinated by his intricate and innovated designs. He is a great designer to choose for this class because not only does he create functional work, but he always seems to keep his own aesthetic at the heart of his designs. It is even more impressive when you see that he doesn’t own any especially expensive or inaccessible tools. Most everything he makes you can also make at home.

  • Will Harris
    March 5, 2023 6:04 pm

    DIY perks videos are always such a treat. His exploration of optics, heat transfer, and technology enclosures are not only innovative, but fun to think about. His presentation is always so positive too!

    I’ve really appreciated his last several videos that incorporate more 3D printing, because a lot of his projects use materials and methods that I’ve felt are out of my reach. With CNC manufacturing, it seems like his projects are more approachable.

  • Peter Jakubczak
    March 4, 2023 11:39 am


    I’ve actually never seen the DIY Perks youtube channel but I will definitly be checking this out. Have you ever taken inspiration from these videos or done anything DIY yourself?

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