For my upcycling project I am going to make a buffalo out of beer bottle caps similar to the image above. This demonstrates a nature core aesthetic because it has an earthy animal theme. I chose this aesthetic because I love to hike and be in the forest as well as drink beer so this project allows me to combine both of these passions and make something that I feel will be very cool.
References ––Upcycled-Bottle-Cap-Bear-Wall-D%C3%A9cor-X111863720-L6851-K~W000752619.html?refid=GX560448448021-W000752619&device=c&ptid=926899379274&network=g&targetid=pla-926899379274&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=72972683&fdid=1817&gclid=CjwKCAiArY2fBhB9EiwAWqHK6ixliIbzJqklkLzC1Io5Eamwb3jPnDOXo38jzzn2IfV9m–PzR6StBoCByAQAvD_BwE
1 Comment. Leave new
Hello Connor,
This is a really interesting concept. It’s quite a unique use of beer caps. I am looking forward to see your upcycling artifact. Could you provide a little more clarity on how the printed beer caps will depict the nature core aesthetic? Will you be including natural elements or paint?