Personal Aesthetic Exploration

Similar to a lot of other students in this class, I haven’t ever really thought about what my personal aesthetic is, but as I look around my room, my predominant aesthetic changes based on the season. For example, for winter clothes, I have mainly hoodies/jackets and sweatpants, and for the summer, the main aesthetic seems to be short-sleeved shirts and basketball shorts.

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I think my aesthetic revolves around what things I like to do in each season. The hoodies/jackets and sweats have always been necessary for the cold Colorado winters(when I go up to the mountain to snowboard) and the basketball shorts are something I started wearing late middle school – high school to avoid the heat outside while playing basketball. In terms of the coloring schemes of all my clothes, I tend to get clothes that are darker colors like black, dark blue, and dark green. The reasoning behind this is because these colors are so versatile. This color scheme of clothes can be matched with basically any other colored clothes without standing out. I think I also tend to prefer clothes for their comfortability in a daily use setting as well. This is why I have over 10 pairs of sweat pants and only 4 pairs of jeans. If the setting doesn’t require me to wear jeans, I will always be wearing sweatpants.

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Stephen Chamot
    May 4, 2021 11:42 am

    Sohan, I really liked how you related your aesthetic to the seasons and I thought that it was neat that it was very fluid and can change without being random.

  • Thomas Boyd
    May 2, 2021 4:00 pm

    Sohan, I like the point you made about the colors you wear, and how they go with basically any other color. I spend a lot of time trying to coordinate the colors in my clothing and it can definitely be annoying if I can’t find the right combination. I also completely understand prioritizing comfort, especially during this period of online classes!

  • Amanda Tetrault
    April 27, 2021 9:15 am

    Hi Sohan,
    I totally agree with you that our personal aesthetic can change based on the seasons. Things in your house seem to change, too. In winter months, I tend to add blankets in my living room for warmth but they add to the aesthetic of color and texture as well.

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