My Personal Aesthetic: Cars

One of my personal interests is cars, and I find futuristic designs of car particularly aesthetically pleasing to look at. I think the reason why most people, including myself, love cars is because it gives us a sense of freedom. Having a car gives you the opportunity to go where you want, when you want. Cars are an expression of one’s personality and they also bring comfort and convenience (you don’t have to rely on public transport).

There are numerous of car designs out there, but I find the designs of Lambos particularly intriguing. One of the best looking cars that I’ve seen is a super rare car by Lamborghini, the Lamborghini V12 Vision GT. It was originally designed for a game called Gran Turismo in 2019, but there is real life version as well.

Beside real life cars, I also really like the design of the Batmobile in The Dark Knight (Top pic below). I prefer it over the sleek design of the old Batmobile from 1989 (bottom pic below) because it looks more powerful and bold.

I’m building a mousetrap car for my final project, so I think it would be cool to incorporate some of the features from these cars into my final product.


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2 Comments. Leave new

  • Jillian Weber
    March 18, 2021 1:21 pm

    Hey Thuc!
    I think this is a super cool aesthetic! I’m personally not very knowledgeable about cars, but even I can recognize the cool and sleek aesthetic of those Lamborghinis. I love your insights about how cars make people feel; its so true that your car becomes an extension of your freedom, comfort, and personality. Do you have any plans for features that you want to include for your mousetrap car? It seems like the low body, side profile, and wheel wells are similar between the cars that you like. What materials are you planning on using for the body? I could see how materials that are easier to use (paper, cardboard, paperboard, aluminum foil) may not align with the aesthetic that you’re going for, but the shape seems difficult for manufacturing. Either way, I’m excited to see the progress and final product of your project!

  • Zack Lindsey
    March 14, 2021 8:35 pm

    I also have a huge personal interest in cars, so I was immediately drawn to your post. I really do like the modern automotive aesthetic, but I tend to prefer the boxy aesthetic found in 70s cars. I was wondering what design features you want to replicate from both the more modern batmobile and the Lamborghini you describe on your mousetrap car? Personally, I like the sharp geometric lines and the many functional vents that exist throughout the body of the car. Maybe you could replicate some of these features using sturdy straight plastic and small wires so that the car would remain lightweight while also being pretty sturdy. I look forward to seeing your progress on your mousetrap car and I think you will make a really cool aesthetic.


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