Upcycled Incense Waterfall Update

Example waterfall

As an update I am close to my final assembly and I am so satisfied with the way the waterfall came out. I will outline the crafting process in the final post, but the changes I would like to make are the spout in which the incense is held. Without really thinking I noticed that the handle of a gallon milk jug is the perfect size to drop the incense in so I hot melt glued it to the top of a bottle. The issue is, after burning the incense for a couple minutes the plastic started to melt and the nice incense smell mixed with a gross chemical scent. I am still unsure how I am going to resolve the issue, but I have a couple more glass bottles that when smashed may create a feature perfect for what I need.


Link for Incense Video

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Wow Peter, what a great project! I am impressed that you got such large pieces of glass after breaking bottles. What did you use to break them? It would be cool to see this project in front of a black backdrop to emphasize the smoke.

  • Hey Peter,

    I really like it so far, it looks really cool. I think constructing a glass holder of some kind at the top is the way to go over plastic, so definitely look into that. Also just a thought to add to your design. I notice that the incense holder you supplied as an example has accented colors on its edges. I do like the clean look you have going now, but it could be something to consider to add some color to the edges. Also you could maybe add something for the incense to fall down onto at the bottom of the glass.

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