Design Review 2020 Part 2: Timeline and Logistics


With the current COVID-19 outbreak, all of the university resources and wood shops have closed. This has forced me to become a little more resourceful when fabricating my project.  Luckily I have already purchased all the materials I will need for Home Depot. Also, fortunately, my dad has many tools that I can use to help fabricate my project. Specifically, he has a table saw that I can borrow that will be used to cut the wooden dowels I have purchased and he has a power drill that I can use to drill holes through the dowels to create the leg assembly. Overall, I should be able to completely finish my project on time but It will just require a little more work.


I have provided an overall timeline below. However, to be more specific during fabrication:

  • From 3/18 – 3/25
    • Cut wooden dowels in half
    • Drill holes for the hanger bolt and eye bolt
    • Finish leg assembly
  • From 3/26 – 4/08
    • Screw in eye screws
    • Create paracord seat